Melinda Ulibarri Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Director of Huma...

Melinda Ulibarri General Information


Ms. Melinda Ulibarri served as Director of Human Resources at Bridge Investment Group. She has a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in both human resources and management. She has started up numerous HR departments for companies as well as performed in both management and director capacities. She has over 20 years' experience in the human resources industry. She started her career in the staffing industry and worked her way up from a Recruiter to a Branch Manager. She left staffing and moved into an HR Generalist position for an information technology company. She set up their HR department and quickly advanced to become the HR Manager. She then accepted a position for a national roofing company, Clark's Quality Roofing, as their HR Manager and was involved in all aspects of managing employees and the company. She is certified in the HR field and possesses a PHR certification from the Institute of Human Resources.

Contact Information

Primary Position

Melinda Ulibarri FAQs

  • Who is Melinda Ulibarri?

    Ms. Melinda Ulibarri served as Director of Human Resources at Bridge Investment Group.

  • How much does Melinda Ulibarri typically invest?

    Melinda Ulibarri's median deal size is .

  • What is Melinda Ulibarri’s main position?

    Melinda Ulibarri’s primary position is Director of Human Resources.

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