Thomas Pecenka Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Director

Thomas Pecenka General Information


Mr. Thomas Pecenka served as Director at Le Tanneur & Cie. Mr. Thomas Pecenka been a Director at Le Tanneur & Cie SA since June 15, 2011. He is Vice Chairman of Qatar Luxury Group Fashion. He graduated from European School of Business in Reutlingen and ESC Reims. He joined the Richemont group as Product Manager for Cartier International. He was responsible for the development of leather goods for men from 2004 to 2009. He joined Qatar Luxury Group in March 2009.

Contact Information

Primary Position

Thomas Pecenka Network (8)

Board Members (8)

Name Company Representing Location From
Laurence Mottet Le Tanneur & Cie Self Paris, France
Herve Descottes Le Tanneur & Cie Self Paris, France
Le Tanneur & Cie Le Tanneur & Cie Paris, France
Le Tanneur & Cie Self Paris, France
Le Tanneur & Cie Le Tanneur & Cie Paris, France

Thomas Pecenka FAQs

  • Who is Thomas Pecenka?

    Mr. Thomas Pecenka served as Director at Le Tanneur & Cie.

  • How much does Thomas Pecenka typically invest?

    Thomas Pecenka's median deal size is .

  • What is Thomas Pecenka’s main position?

    Thomas Pecenka’s primary position is Director.

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