Sofia Gottret Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Analyst

Sofia Gottret General Information


Ms. Sofia Gottret served as Analyst at East Wind Advisors. Previously, she was an investment analyst at CAI Private Equity, where she screened and analyzed investment opportunities and supported the growth of portfolio companies. Prior to that, she worked as an Analyst at Sabricas Capital, a Latin American family office, where she focused on private asset investments. She is currently a member of the Financial Women's Association and part of the Emerging Leaders Committee.

Contact Information

Primary Position
American University, BS (Bachelor of Science)

Sofia Gottret FAQs

  • Who is Sofia Gottret?

    Ms. Sofia Gottret served as Analyst at East Wind Advisors.

  • How much does Sofia Gottret typically invest?

    Sofia Gottret's median deal size is .

  • What is Sofia Gottret’s main position?

    Sofia Gottret’s primary position is Analyst.

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