Petre Norton Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Principal

Petre Norton General Information


Mr. Petre Norton serves as Principal at Bergen Asset Management. Mr. Norton has extensive experience in both corporate law and investment banking with a specific focus on the London Stock Exchange's AIM Market. Prior to joining Bergen, Mr. Norton practiced as a solicitor at K&L Gates before moving to investment banking, first joining the corporate finance department of Westhouse Securities and, most recently, finnCap. Whilst working in corporate finance, Mr. Norton advised on a number of AIM IPOs and fundraisings, mostly in the natural resources sectors and was classified as a Qualified Executive by the London Stock Exchange. Norton is a qualified solicitor in England and Wales and holds an MA from Edinburgh University and a Diploma in Corporate Finance from the ICAEW.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Edinburgh University, MA (Master of Arts)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (la Autónoma), Degree
+1 (212)
  • 1450 Broadway
  • 36th Floor
  • New York, NY 10018
  • United States
+1 (212)

Petre Norton Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Bergen Asset Management Investor Principal New York, NY Asset Manager

Petre Norton FAQs

  • Who is Petre Norton?

    Mr. Petre Norton serves as Principal at Bergen Asset Management.

  • How much does Petre Norton typically invest?

    Petre Norton's median deal size is .

  • What is Petre Norton’s main position?

    Petre Norton’s primary position is Principal.

  • What are the contact details for Petre Norton?

    Petre Norton’s email address is pe and his phone number is +1 (212) .

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