Jennifer Kean Overview
- Company
- Blue Water Techn...
- Primary Position
Jennifer Kean General Information
Ms. Kean was the President of Blue Water Technologies. She joined Blue Water in 2009 and has overseen a number of strategic and marketing changes within the organization. Ms. Kean has more than 17 years of strategic consulting experience across a broad spectrum of industries including refining, software development, manufacturing and system integration. Prior to joining Blue Water Ms. Kean was Treasurer with Coeur d'Alene Mines (NYSE:CDE) where she worked on an expansion into Australia and development of its now successful mine site in Juneau Alaska. Ms. Kean also spent time with Sony Pictures Entertainment (NYSE: SNE) working with corporate finance, acquisitions and restructuring. Prior to her time with Sony, Ms. Kean was a strategic consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC, and Ernst & Young, LLC, where she provided financial and operational guidance to a variety of businesses. Ms. Kean holds an MBA from the University of Southern California.
Contact Information
Jennifer Kean FAQs
Who is Jennifer Kean?
Ms. Kean was the President of Blue Water Technologies.
How much does Jennifer Kean typically invest?
Jennifer Kean's median deal size is
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What is Jennifer Kean’s main position?
Jennifer Kean’s primary position is President.
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