Thomas DeLuca JD Overview

  • Company
  • AMP Credit Techn...

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Founder & Chi...

Thomas DeLuca JD General Information


Mr. Thomas DeLuca Co-Founded and served as Chief Executive Officer at AMP Credit Technologies. He also served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Development at Planet Payment, Inc. [Nasdaq: PLPM]. Tom received his B.A., J.D. and M.B.A. from St. Johns University and his LL.M. in international trade and business transactions from Fordham University in New York. He is also currently a member of the Advisory Board of the SME Finance Forum, established by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) and managed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as a knowledge center for data, research and best practice in promoting SME finance.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, AMP Credit Technologies
Fordham University, LLM (Master of Laws)
St. John's University, MBA (Master of Business Administration)
St. John's University, JD (Doctor of Law)
St. John's University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)

Thomas DeLuca JD FAQs

  • Who is Thomas DeLuca JD?

    Mr. Thomas DeLuca Co-Founded and served as Chief Executive Officer at AMP Credit Technologies.

  • How much does Thomas DeLuca JD typically invest?

    Thomas DeLuca JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Thomas DeLuca JD’s main position?

    Thomas DeLuca JD’s primary position is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer.

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