Robb Voyles JD Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Board Member

Robb Voyles JD General Information


Mr. Robb Voyles served as a Board Member at Jones Energy. Robb L. Voyles has served on our board of directors since July 2014. Mr. Voyles currently serves as Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Halliburton, with responsibility for advising Halliburton's Chief Executive Officer and board on legal matters. He is also a member of Halliburton's Executive Committee. Prior to his current role with Halliburton, Mr. Voyles was a senior partner at Baker Botts L.L.P. where he served as the Chair of the Litigation Department and a member of its Executive Committee. His practice focused on commercial, securities, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act litigation and investigations. He represented major accounting and law firms in professional liability litigation and major corporations in commercial, securities, and technology litigation and government investigations. Mr. Voyles earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School in 1982, and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting from the University of Dayton in 1979. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas and the American Bar Association and a Fellow of the Texas, Dallas County and Travis County Bar Foundations.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Board Member, Jones Energy
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, JD (Doctor of Law)
University of Dayton, BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)

Robb Voyles JD Network (10)

Board Members (10)

Name Company Representing Location From
Peter Cramer Jones Energy Jones Energy Austin, TX
James Addison Jones Energy Self Austin, TX
Jones Energy Jones Energy Austin, TX
Jones Energy Self Austin, TX
Jones Energy Self Austin, TX

Robb Voyles JD FAQs

  • Who is Robb Voyles JD?

    Mr. Robb Voyles served as a Board Member at Jones Energy.

  • How much does Robb Voyles JD typically invest?

    Robb Voyles JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Robb Voyles JD’s main position?

    Robb Voyles JD’s primary position is Board Member.

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