Emmanuel Lemelson Overview

  • Firm
  • Lemelson Capital...

  • Primary Position
  • Chief Investment...

  • Primary Industry
  • Information Technology

Emmanuel Lemelson General Information


Mr. Emmanuel Lemelson serves as the Chief Investment Officer at Lemelson Capital Management. He is also the general partner of The Amvona Fund, LP which several times has been named the world's top-performing hedge fund according to financial media outlets The Wall Street Journal and Barron's. His position on ecumenism and the role of the Orthodox Church has been cited in The Washington Post, CBS News, Fox News, The Boston Globe, and The Boston Herald among others. Lemelson has also been cited in and written for The National Interest. Prior to his ordination in 2011, Fr. Emmanuel had 17 years of experience as a successful entrepreneur, including authoring multiple patents in design, business process, and software architecture. As a graduate student, he founded, amongst other businesses, the internet site Amvona which achieved ~120% CAGR between 1999 and 2006. In 2005 Amvona ranked among the ten most-visited photography-related internet sites. He is the founder and president of The Lantern Foundation, a 501 (c)3 private foundation that provides financial support to Christian organizations as well as the founder of the Stowe conference for charity. Fr. Emmanuel graduated from Seattle University with a B.A. in Theology and Religious Studies and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology with an M.Div and has served parishes in New England and Switzerland.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chief Investment Officer, Lemelson Capital Management
Seattle University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
+1 (802)
  • 145 Pine Haven Shores Road
  • Suite 2293
  • Shelburne, VT 05482
  • United States
+1 (802)

Emmanuel Lemelson Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Lemelson Capital Management Investor Chief Investment Officer Shelburne, VT Acquirer

Emmanuel Lemelson Lead Partner on Deals (1)

Emmanuel Lemelson has been the lead partner on 1 deal. Their latest deal was with Geospace Technologies, a electronic equipment and instruments company. The deal was made on 20-Oct-2014.

Company Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Deal Status Industry Location
Geospace Technologies 20-Oct-2014 PIPE Completed Electronic Equipment and Instruments Houston, TX

Emmanuel Lemelson Network (8)

Portfolio Executives (8)

Name Company Role Deal date Location
Caroline Kempf Geospace Technologies Chief Marketing Officer 20-Oct-2014 Houston, TX
Michael Sheen Geospace Technologies Chief Technology Officer, Technology & Senior Vice President 20-Oct-2014 Houston, TX
Geospace Technologies Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer 20-Oct-2014 Houston, TX
Geospace Technologies Chief Technology Officer, Technology & Senior Vice President 20-Oct-2014 Houston, TX
Geospace Technologies Chief Technology Officer, Technology & Senior Vice President 20-Oct-2014 Houston, TX

Emmanuel Lemelson FAQs

  • Who is Emmanuel Lemelson?

    Mr. Emmanuel Lemelson serves as the Chief Investment Officer at Lemelson Capital Management.

  • How much does Emmanuel Lemelson typically invest?

    Emmanuel Lemelson's median deal size is .

  • What is Emmanuel Lemelson’s main position?

    Emmanuel Lemelson’s primary position is Chief Investment Officer.

  • What are the contact details for Emmanuel Lemelson?

    Emmanuel Lemelson’s email address is el and his phone number is +1 (802) .

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