Jameel Vaghela Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Chief Financial...

Jameel Vaghela General Information


Mr. Jameel Vaghela served as the Chief Financial Officer at Respect Your Universe. He holds a Master of Professional Accounting and a Chartered Accountant designation and has an extensive background in finance, accountancy, corporate taxation and financial markets. Mr. Vaghela's previous roles include Big 4 assurance and advisory experiences at KPMG and PwC where he gained an understanding of the retail apparel sector. Most recently he was responsible for all financial activities related to G4S's aviation screening contract with the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chief Financial Officer, RYU Apparel
University of Saskatchewan, Master's
Simon Fraser University, BS (Bachelor of Science)

Jameel Vaghela FAQs

  • Who is Jameel Vaghela?

    Mr. Jameel Vaghela served as the Chief Financial Officer at Respect Your Universe.

  • How much does Jameel Vaghela typically invest?

    Jameel Vaghela's median deal size is .

  • What is Jameel Vaghela’s main position?

    Jameel Vaghela’s primary position is Chief Financial Officer.

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