Bruno Mejean Overview
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Bruno Mejean General Information
Mr. Bruno Mejean served as an Advisor at MPOWERD. He also served as Senior Advisor at Renewable Energy Trust Capital. Before joining RET Capital, he was managing director for international project finance and business development at SunEdison, where he was responsible for raising debt and equity for SunEdison projects outside North America. As managing director and deputy general manager at Nord/LB NY Branch, he oversaw corporate, project, export and trade finance origination in the Americas. Nord/LB specialized in the financing of environmental and renewable projects, supporting more than 5000 MW of renewable power projects since 2000 in North America alone. Mr. Mejean has also held senior roles at Raytheon, Societe Generale, and Chase. He earned an MBA in finance from George Washington University and a Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University's School of Business Administration.
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Bruno Mejean FAQs
Who is Bruno Mejean?
Mr. Bruno Mejean served as an Advisor at MPOWERD.
How much does Bruno Mejean typically invest?
Bruno Mejean's median deal size is 000000.
What is Bruno Mejean’s main position?
Bruno Mejean’s primary position is Advisor.
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