Sohail Choudhry Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Alternative Capi...

Sohail Choudhry General Information


Mr. Sohail Choudhry served as Alternative Capital Strategist at EPOCH Financial. Mr. Choudhry was a Co-Founder and served as Broker at Prestige Brokers. Mr. Choudhry manages capital marketing and deals flow for EPOCH Financial. Mr. Choudhry's role is to enhance EPOCH's debt and equity deal flow efforts by developing and maintaining relationships directly with public and private companies as well as accounting firms, law firms, and FINRA bankers. Mr. Choudhry bolsters distribution efforts by devising capital marketing efforts that support our clients. Mr. Choudhry improves lead generation and client engagement by segmenting audiences and developing targeted marketing strategies. He joins efforts with institutional investors to create a lasting relationship with our client companies.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Alternative Capital Strategist, EPOCH Financial

Sohail Choudhry FAQs

  • Who is Sohail Choudhry?

    Mr. Sohail Choudhry served as Alternative Capital Strategist at EPOCH Financial.

  • How much does Sohail Choudhry typically invest?

    Sohail Choudhry's median deal size is .

  • What is Sohail Choudhry’s main position?

    Sohail Choudhry’s primary position is Alternative Capital Strategist.

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