Leonardo Schmalz Overview
- Firm
- Iron Capital.
- Primary Position
Private Equity...
Leonardo Schmalz General Information
Mr. Leonardo Schmalz serves as Private Equity Partner at Iron Capital. He had served as Partner at H11 Capital. Over 7 years of experience in the financial market with focus in Private Equity and Investment Bank. Throughout his career he worked in institutions such as Merrill Lynch, Itaú BBA, Stratus until join the Iron Capital team in 2015. He graduated in Business Administration at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado - FAAP also holds a post graduation in Corporate Finance and Investment Banking Fundação Instituto de Administração - FIA.
Contact Information
Leonardo Schmalz FAQs
Who is Leonardo Schmalz?
Mr. Leonardo Schmalz serves as Private Equity Partner at Iron Capital.
How much does Leonardo Schmalz typically invest?
Leonardo Schmalz's median deal size is 000000.
What is Leonardo Schmalz’s main position?
Leonardo Schmalz’s primary position is Private Equity Partner.
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