Deanne Koll JD Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Attorney

Deanne Koll JD General Information


Ms. Deanne Koll serves as Attorney at Bakke Norman. Deanne counsels lenders and businesses on collection issues and creditors' rights in bankruptcy. Her creditor representation includes assisting clients with commercial and residential foreclosures, replevins, workout and forbearance agreements and defending against lender liability actions. Deanne also regularly appears in federal bankruptcy court when representing creditors. Her bankruptcy work includes drafting reaffirmation agreements, pursuing adversary actions and general pre-litigation to protect creditors' rights. Deanne's experience with complex commercial workouts and collections for local lenders has given her special expertise in the area of real estate law and business finance. She leverages this knowledge to assist individual and business clients in other litigation and trial work involving real estate and business disputes.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Attorney, Bakke Norman
William Mitchell College of Law, JD (Doctor of Law)
University of Wisconsin, BS (Bachelor of Science)
+1 (715)
  • 2919 Schneider Avenue Southeast
  • PO Box 280
  • Menomonie, WI 54751
  • United States
+1 (715)

Deanne Koll JD Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Bakke Norman Service Provider Attorney New Richmond, WI Law Firm

Deanne Koll JD FAQs

  • Who is Deanne Koll JD?

    Ms. Deanne Koll serves as Attorney at Bakke Norman.

  • How much does Deanne Koll JD typically invest?

    Deanne Koll JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Deanne Koll JD’s main position?

    Deanne Koll JD’s primary position is Attorney.

  • What are the contact details for Deanne Koll JD?

    Deanne Koll JD’s email address is dk and his phone number is +1 (715) .

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