Cesar Salas Overview
- Company
- Davidson Media...
- Primary Position
Market Manager...
Cesar Salas General Information
Mr. Cesar Salas serves as a Market Manager & General Manager at Davidson Media Group. He is the General Manager of WKKB-FM Latina 100.3FM in Providence, RI. He brings over 13 years of experience in the broadcast media, entertainment, and business development. A graduate of East Central University located in the Dominican Republic Cesar holds a Bachelor in Law degree. He specializes in developing unique marketing and solutions targeting Hispanic and general market consumers. He has served as the General Manager of WKKB-FM since 2008.
Contact Information
- 701 Northpoint Parkway
- Suite 500
- West Palm Beach, FL 33407
- United States
Cesar Salas FAQs
Who is Cesar Salas?
Mr. Cesar Salas serves as a Market Manager & General Manager at Davidson Media Group.
How much does Cesar Salas typically invest?
Cesar Salas's median deal size is
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What is Cesar Salas’s main position?
Cesar Salas’s primary position is Market Manager & General Manager.
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