Ryosuke Hata Overview

  • Primary Position
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Ryosuke Hata General Information


Mr. Ryosuke Hata served as Investment Director at CVC Capital Partners. He joined CVC in 2014. Ryo is a member of the CVC Japan team and is based in Tokyo. Prior to joining CVC, he was with DC Advisory (former Close Brothers Corporate Finance) in London, UK, advising a range of private equity and corporate clients. Prior to that he was with Daiwa Securities' Investment Banking Division in Tokyo, Japan. Ryo holds a BA Degree in Sports Business Administration from Juntendo University.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Investment Director, CVC Capital Partners

Ryosuke Hata FAQs

  • Who is Ryosuke Hata?

    Mr. Ryosuke Hata served as Investment Director at CVC Capital Partners.

  • How much does Ryosuke Hata typically invest?

    Ryosuke Hata's median deal size is .

  • What is Ryosuke Hata’s main position?

    Ryosuke Hata’s primary position is Investment Director.

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