Brandon Lacoff JD Overview

  • Company
  • Belpointe PREP

  • Primary Position
  • Chief Executive...

  • Active Board Seats
  • 1

Brandon Lacoff JD General Information


Mr. Brandon Lacoff is the Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer at Belpointe. Mr. Lacoff serves as a Managing Partner at Greenwich Legal Associates. Mr. Lacoff was the co-founder of Belray Capital, a Greenwich, Connecticut-based real estate and investment firm acquired by Belpointe in 2011. He owns several operating businesses, including Belpointe Asset Management LLC, a financial asset management firm. Mr. Lacoff holds a Juris Doctor degree and a Master's of Business Administration from Hofstra University and a Bachelor's degree in Finance from Syracuse University.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chief Executive Officer & Chairman, Belpointe PREP
Hofstra University, MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Hofstra University, JD (Doctor of Law)
Syracuse University, BA (Bachelor of Arts)
+1 (203)
  • 255 Glenville Road
  • Greenwich, CT
  • United States
+1 (203)

Brandon Lacoff JD Positions (4)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Belpointe Investor Founder & Chief Executive Officer Greenwich, CT Investor
Belpointe PREP Company Chief Executive Officer & Chairman Greenwich, CT Asset Management
Belpointe REIT Company Chief Executive Officer Greenwich, CT Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Greenwich Legal Associates Service Provider Managing Partner Greenwich, CT Law Firm

Brandon Lacoff JD Board Seats (1)

Company Industry Ownership Status Financing Status Location Since
Belpointe PREP Asset Management Publicly Held Corporation Greenwich, CT

Brandon Lacoff JD Network (3)

Board Members (3)

Name Company Representing Location From
Timothy Oberweger Belpointe PREP Self Greenwich, CT
Dean Drulias Belpointe PREP Self Greenwich, CT
Belpointe PREP Self Greenwich, CT

Brandon Lacoff JD FAQs

  • Who is Brandon Lacoff JD?

    Mr. Brandon Lacoff is the Founder and serves as Chief Executive Officer at Belpointe.

  • How much does Brandon Lacoff JD typically invest?

    Brandon Lacoff JD's median deal size is .

  • What is Brandon Lacoff JD’s main position?

    Brandon Lacoff JD’s primary position is Chief Executive Officer & Chairman.

  • What are the contact details for Brandon Lacoff JD?

    Brandon Lacoff JD’s email address is bl and his phone number is +1 (203) .

  • How many active board seats does Brandon Lacoff JD hold?

    Brandon Lacoff JD holds a board seat in Belpointe PREP.

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