Stephen Brown Overview

  • Company
  • Scuttledog

  • Primary Position
  • Founder

Stephen Brown General Information


Mr. Stephen Brown previously founded Scuttledog. Hailing from predominantly a Entertainment/Music background,Mr Brown was the President/CEO and founder of a independent record label with several 90's hits to its credit.Mr Brown later founded a company called Vidnet, with the vision that the Internet would eventually have a major position in the Music and Film distribution market. Vidnet became one of the top entertainment sites on the web, streaming over 4.5 million videos monthly and providing content to such companies as Microsoft, Disney, Lycos, Alta Vista and many more. With industry alliances with such entertainment giants as Sony Music, Warner Bros and EMI Capital.Vidnet had one of the world's largest collection of music videos on line. Mr Brown built the company from 5 to over 100 employees; and also took the company public on the NASDAQ, reaching a market cap of over $400M. Mr Brown is now an entrepreneur involved in many sectors of business, using his experiences to develop his interests.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Founder, Scuttledog

Stephen Brown FAQs

  • Who is Stephen Brown?

    Mr. Stephen Brown previously founded Scuttledog.

  • How much does Stephen Brown typically invest?

    Stephen Brown's median deal size is .

  • What is Stephen Brown’s main position?

    Stephen Brown’s primary position is Founder.

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