Loren Claypool Overview

  • Company
  • Charleston Area...

  • Primary Position
  • Board Member

Loren Claypool General Information


Mr. Loren Claypool served as a Chief Operating Officer, Benefit Solutions at HealthSmart Holdings. Mr. Claypool served as Board Member at Integrated Health Systems. He served as an Operating Partner, Healthcare & Information Technology at Traverse Pointe Partners. He serves as Board Member at Charleston Area Alliance. He comes to HealthSmart from VCPI/Extendicare Health Services, Inc. (EHSI) where he was vice president, managing director and CIO respectively. He was instrumental in creating VCPI's product portfolio and its growth strategy to become the leading nationwide provider of outsourced technology solutions to the long-term/post-acute healthcare sector. He also drove VCPI's name recognition by implementing its branding and an integrated social media strategy. In addition, he has a high level of expertise in strategy development, information technology and change management. His background includes leading start-up and established environments in the technology, insurance, healthcare, and retail industries, with both national and international experience. He is a thought leader with public speaking experience and several published articles.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Board Member, Charleston Area Alliance

Loren Claypool Network (12)

Board Members (12)

Name Company Representing Location From
Georgette George Charleston Area Alliance Charleston Area Alliance Charleston, WV
Michael Simon Integrated Health Systems (Overland Park) Traverse Pointe Partners Overland Park, KS
Charleston Area Alliance Self Charleston, WV
Charleston Area Alliance Charleston Area Alliance Charleston, WV
Charleston Area Alliance Charleston Area Alliance Charleston, WV

Loren Claypool FAQs

  • Who is Loren Claypool?

    Mr. Loren Claypool served as a Chief Operating Officer, Benefit Solutions at HealthSmart Holdings.

  • How much does Loren Claypool typically invest?

    Loren Claypool's median deal size is .

  • What is Loren Claypool’s main position?

    Loren Claypool’s primary position is Board Member.

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