Kirsten Winterhager Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Managing Directo...

Kirsten Winterhager General Information


Ms. Kirsten Winterhager served as Managing Director at Intermediate Capital Group. She joined ICG from Lexington Partners where she was primarily engaged in secondary purchases of European buyouts, mezzanine, and venture capital interests. Having previously worked in ICG's German Mezzanine team and in investment banking at UBS, she has a total of 10 years experience in the financial services industry. She holds an undergraduate degree in economics and business administration from the University of Passau and an MSc in Management from ESCP Europe.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Managing Director, Intermediate Capital Group
ESCP Europe, MS (Master of Science)
University of Passau, Degree

Kirsten Winterhager FAQs

  • Who is Kirsten Winterhager?

    Ms. Kirsten Winterhager served as Managing Director at Intermediate Capital Group.

  • How much does Kirsten Winterhager typically invest?

    Kirsten Winterhager's median deal size is .

  • What is Kirsten Winterhager’s main position?

    Kirsten Winterhager’s primary position is Managing Director.

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