William McDonnell Overview
- Firm
- Pt Capital
- Primary Position
Managing Partner...
William McDonnell General Information
Mr. William McDonnell served as Managing Partner - Europe at Pt Capital. Prior to joining Pt Capital, he spent ten years in various commercial finance positions for banks, investment firms and Alaska Native Corporations. Bill has worked in commercial lending, as an investment adviser, and most recently as Director of Finance for Cook Inlet Regional Incorporated, an Alaska Native Corporation, managing the finance functions for a portfolio of real estate assets with a market value of nearly $300MM. Bill has significant experience in investment analysis, deal structure, capital markets and M&A. He graduated with a Pre-Medical degree from the University of Vermont and and earned and MBA from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks.
Contact Information
William McDonnell FAQs
Who is William McDonnell?
Mr. William McDonnell served as Managing Partner - Europe at Pt Capital.
How much does William McDonnell typically invest?
William McDonnell's median deal size is 000000.
What is William McDonnell’s main position?
William McDonnell’s primary position is Managing Partner - Europe.
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