Dawn Daggy-Mangerson Overview
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- McDonnell Invest...
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Managing Directo...
Dawn Daggy-Mangerson General Information
Ms. Dawn Daggy-Mangerson served as Managing Director, Municipal Portfolio Management at McDonnell Investment Management. She has twenty-seven years of investment industry experience. Ms. Mangerson is responsible for executing tax-exempt and taxable strategies for the Company's client portfolios. In this capacity, her focus is on private client, institutional and sub-advised mutual fund portfolio management. Prior to joining the Company in June of 2006, Ms. Mangerson served as Managing Director and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at ABN AMRO/Chicago Capital Management, where she was responsible for actively managing both taxable and tax-exempt portfolios for institutional, mutual fund and private clients. Prior to her service at ABN AMRO, Ms. Mangerson was a Fund Manager for INVESCO Funds Group in Denver, where she was charged with managing a long duration municipal bond fund. Previously, Ms. Mangerson held portfolio management positions at both NationsBank and Stein Roe & Farnham. She received a B.S. degree in Finance from DePaul University.
Contact Information
Dawn Daggy-Mangerson FAQs
Who is Dawn Daggy-Mangerson?
Ms. Dawn Daggy-Mangerson served as Managing Director, Municipal Portfolio Management at McDonnell Investment Management.
How much does Dawn Daggy-Mangerson typically invest?
Dawn Daggy-Mangerson's median deal size is 000000.
What is Dawn Daggy-Mangerson’s main position?
Dawn Daggy-Mangerson’s primary position is Managing Director, Municipal Portfolio Management.
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