Tony Daye Overview

  • Company
  • Loft1

  • Primary Position
  • Co-Founder & Chi...

Tony Daye General Information


Mr. Tony Daye is a Co-Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at Loft1. Previously, he served as Vice President of Smart Grid Operations at Green Power Labs. Mr. Daye has facilitated significant corporate growth, including strategic planning during periods of transition and corporate acquisitions. Mr. Daye has held senior positions at the top of the IT and energy sectors, and has advised on numerous technical committees. Previously, as Vice President, Smart Grid Operations, Mr. Daye has led multiple equity funding rounds with some of the world's largest electric utilities.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Loft1
University of New Brunswick, Degree
+1 (506)
  • 30 Knowledge Park Drive
  • Suite 230
  • Fredericton, New Brunswick E3C 2R2
  • Canada
+1 (506)

Tony Daye Positions (1)

Firm name Firm type Title Location Industry Since
Loft1 Company Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer Fredericton, Canada Business/Productivity Software

Tony Daye FAQs

  • Who is Tony Daye?

    Mr. Tony Daye is a Co-Founder & serves as Chief Executive Officer at Loft1.

  • How much does Tony Daye typically invest?

    Tony Daye's median deal size is .

  • What is Tony Daye’s main position?

    Tony Daye’s primary position is Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer.

  • What are the contact details for Tony Daye?

    Tony Daye’s email address is to and his phone number is +1 (506) .

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