Ranjeet Nabha Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Advisor & Chief...

Ranjeet Nabha General Information


Mr. Ranjeet Nabha served as Advisor and Chief Strategy Officer at BitMED. Ranjeet brings 20 years of executive leadership experience to the BitMED team. Formerly the Managing Director and CEO of WL Ross & Co and Chairman and CEO of Voicemate, Ranjeet is skilled in corporate finance, investment strategies, and private equity fund management. He has his MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Advisor & Chief Strategy Officer, BitMED
Dartmouth College (Tuck), MBA (Master of Business Administration)
University of California, Santa Barbara, BA (Bachelor of Arts)

Ranjeet Nabha FAQs

  • Who is Ranjeet Nabha?

    Mr. Ranjeet Nabha served as Advisor and Chief Strategy Officer at BitMED.

  • How much does Ranjeet Nabha typically invest?

    Ranjeet Nabha's median deal size is .

  • What is Ranjeet Nabha’s main position?

    Ranjeet Nabha’s primary position is Advisor & Chief Strategy Officer.

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