Alex Metelerkamp Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Chief Operating...

Alex Metelerkamp General Information


Mr. Alex Metelerkamp served as Chief Operating Officer at Doctus. He earlier co-founded and served as Chief Operating Officer at Zenogen. Mr. Metelerkamp was recognized as the Young Professional Engineer of the Year for the Engineers of Australia. Mr. Metelerkamp was previously a Manufacturing Engineer at Blesbok Enterprises as well as he also served as the Founder and Director of Prodeo.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Chief Operating Officer, Doctus
University of New South Wales, BE (Bachelor of Engineering)
University of Newcastle, BE (Bachelor of Engineering)

Alex Metelerkamp FAQs

  • Who is Alex Metelerkamp?

    Mr. Alex Metelerkamp served as Chief Operating Officer at Doctus.

  • How much does Alex Metelerkamp typically invest?

    Alex Metelerkamp's median deal size is .

  • What is Alex Metelerkamp’s main position?

    Alex Metelerkamp’s primary position is Chief Operating Officer.

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