Vishal Soni Overview

  • Primary Position
  • Principal, KKR...

Vishal Soni General Information


Mr. Vishal Soni served as Principal, KKR Prisma at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts. Prior to joining KKR Prisma, Mr. Soni was a quantitative portfolio analyst at the Citadel Group, where he managed the fund risk process across the Surveyor Capital market-neutral equity platform. Additionally, he managed a hedge portfolio designed to reduce top-level beta and style-factor exposure. Mr. Soni has served as a graduate research assistant for the University of Michigan Advanced Technology Laboratories where his research work involved topics covering machine learning, Markov decision processes, and game theory. Mr. Soni holds Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

Contact Information

Primary Position
Principal, KKR Prisma, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts
Carnegie Mellon University, Master's
Carnegie Mellon University, Bachelor's

Vishal Soni FAQs

  • Who is Vishal Soni?

    Mr. Vishal Soni served as Principal, KKR Prisma at Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.

  • How much does Vishal Soni typically invest?

    Vishal Soni's median deal size is .

  • What is Vishal Soni’s main position?

    Vishal Soni’s primary position is Principal, KKR Prisma.

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