Leverage granular financial data when raising a fund to pick your own precise peer group and present a benchmark that truly highlights the value of your strategy. Plus, prioritize which investors to pursue—and tailor your pitch to their goals—with insight into mandates, allocations, commitments, and preferences. When it’s time to develop your next investment thesis for either private equity fundraising or venture capital fundraising, we have the private market intel you need.

Better illustrate what sets your fund apart

Choose your own peer group based on underlying factors like portfolio construction and industry focus, and benchmark your fund against funds with similar strategies. Dig into other funds‘ investments, IRR, and quarterly cash flow multiples to identify outliers (the funds that got lucky with one big exit), and eliminate them from your peer group with one click. Create pitches that speak to potential investors‘ preferences and plans for growth using in-depth information on institutional investors. Compare your fund‘s performance to broader market trends to showcase the value of your strategy.


Target the right institutional investors

Use detailed data on institutional investors—including mandates, target and actual allocations, past and present commitments, and investment preferences—to find the investors most likely to commit to your fund. Quickly see which companies and industries investors are exposed to and reach out easily with access to their email addresses and phone numbers.

Check out our complete guide to fundraising


Help inform your investment thesis

Follow all financing and exit activity to see where deals are happening, which industries are yielding outsized returns, and which companies are gaining traction.

Analyze investment and exit activity in a specific space to determine whether or not you should invest.

Look at other investors‘ portfolios to better understand their strategies and where they‘re finding success.

Learn more about informing your thesis with superior private market intel.

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