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Allocator Solutions: Cash Flow Forecasting and Commitment Pacing


Allocator Solutions: Cash Flow Forecasting and Commitment Pacing

March 30, 2022

Cash flow forecasting and commitment pacing: Introducing Allocator Solutions

While the prospect of differentiated returns is enticing, introducing private fund structures to a portfolio can leave allocators with many unanswered questions. Pacing commitments and managing liquidity are just two of the complications LPs must navigate.

In our new Allocator Solutions report, we provide an answer to these challenges through the introduction of the Cash Flow Forecasting and Commitment Pacing methodologies.

The report features a deep dive from PitchBook analysts into the models they use to help LP clients build and maintain private market allocations, leveraging historical data to build probabilistic forecasts and scenario analysis tailored to unique portfolios.

If you are a PitchBook client and would like to leverage our Allocator Solutions: Cash Flow Forecasting and Commitment Pacing toolkit or learn more about our offering, please reach out to your account manager or [email protected]. Non-PitchBook clients can contact [email protected] to learn more about PitchBook’s entire suite of product, research, and data tools.

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Limited partner challenges 4
Cash flow forecasting and commitment pacing 6
Overview 6
Cash flow forecasting 6
Commitment pacing 15
Bringing it together 18
Additional considerations 20
Appendix 21