VC’s rise, real estate’s fall, and more 2021 fundraising trends
Through the year ending June 30, more than 2,100 funds raised $987 billion, down in both total capital and count from the 12 months prior—no surprise when factoring in the market impact of the pandemic.
Yet money is still flowing, and fundraising isn’t down across the board, our analysts write in the Q2 2021 Private Fund Strategies Report, sponsored by Altvia. Some strategies have shone in the new environment, while others met with more skepticism.
Key takeaways
- VC saw a modest increase in its private capital raised, but it accounts for an ever-increasing share of fundraising overall, reaching 16% of capital raised and 47% of fund count in 2021.
- Real estate fundraising has plummeted more than 60% year-over-year, as LPs hit pause amid uncertainty about post-pandemic property trends.
- Median follow-on funds in 2021 have measured 60% larger than their predecessors, according to a spotlight on step-ups featured in the report.
This report was sponsored by Altvia. Interested in sponsoring future editions of this report? Visit our media partnerships page to learn more.