Grupo Acosta Verde Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1970

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 160


  • Stock Symbol
  • GAVA

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 1

  • Share Price
  • $0.06
  • (As of Friday Closing)

Grupo Acosta Verde General Information


Acosta Verde SAB De CV operates in the real estate industry. The company owns, develops, and manages shopping centers and other commercial properties. The group works as a team with brands such as Ley, Cinépolis, Woolworth, Del Sol, Suburbia, and, others. The main source of Acosta Verde's income is the lease income that comes from the rents that the lessees pay for the use of commercial spaces.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Formerly PE-Backed
Corporate Office
  • Pedro R. Vázquez 200
  • Parque Corporativo Ucaly
  • San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon 66269
  • Mexico
+52 81
Primary Industry
Buildings and Property
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • Pedro R. Vázquez 200
  • Parque Corporativo Ucaly
  • San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon 66269
  • Mexico
+52 81

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Grupo Acosta Verde Stock Performance

As of 15-Nov-2024, Grupo Acosta Verde’s stock price is $0.06.

(As of Friday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$0.06 $8.72 $0.06 - $0.06 76.9M 643.00 $1.19

Grupo Acosta Verde Financials Summary

As of 30-Sep-2024, Grupo Acosta Verde has a trailing 12-month revenue of $88.8M.

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Sep-2024 FY 2023 31-Dec-2023 FY 2022 31-Dec-2022 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021
Revenue 88,782 80,877 61,438 57,302
EBITDA 86,424 85,025 64,901 72,094
Net Income 82,475 51,650 33,387 42,871
Total Assets 1,012,991 1,123,794 963,401 894,929
Total Debt 234,230 291,619 288,383 285,352
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Grupo Acosta Verde Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Grupo Acosta Verde Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

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Grupo Acosta Verde Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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Grupo Acosta Verde Investments (1)

Grupo Acosta Verde’s most recent deal was a Joint Venture with Joint Venture (Grupo Acosta Verde / Prudential Real Estate Investors). The deal was made on 01-Jan-2005.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Joint Venture (Grupo Acosta Verde / Prudential Real Estate Investors) 01-Jan-2005 Joint Venture
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Grupo Acosta Verde Exits (1)

Grupo Acosta Verde’s most recent exit was on 01-Jan-2005 from Joint Venture (Grupo Acosta Verde / Prudential Real Estate Investors). The exit was categorized as with 2 buyers.

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size Status Buyers
Joint Venture (Grupo Acosta Verde / Prudential Real Estate Investors) 01-Jan-2005 Completed
  • 2 buyers
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Grupo Acosta Verde FAQs

  • When was Grupo Acosta Verde founded?

    Grupo Acosta Verde was founded in 1970.

  • Where is Grupo Acosta Verde headquartered?

    Grupo Acosta Verde is headquartered in San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico.

  • What is the size of Grupo Acosta Verde?

    Grupo Acosta Verde has 160 total employees.

  • What industry is Grupo Acosta Verde in?

    Grupo Acosta Verde’s primary industry is Buildings and Property.

  • Is Grupo Acosta Verde a private or public company?

    Grupo Acosta Verde is a Public company.

  • What is Grupo Acosta Verde’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Grupo Acosta Verde is GAVA.

  • What is the current stock price of Grupo Acosta Verde?

    As of 15-Nov-2024 the stock price of Grupo Acosta Verde is $0.06.

  • What is Grupo Acosta Verde’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Grupo Acosta Verde is $88.8M.

  • What is Grupo Acosta Verde’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    Grupo Acosta Verde’s EPS for 12 months was $1.19.

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