Brightline Trains Overview
- Year Founded

- Status
- Employees

- Latest Deal Type
Debt Refin.
- Financing Rounds
- Investments
Brightline Trains General Information
Operator of an intercity passenger rail service between Miami and West Palm Beach, Florida. The company's railway segments in Florida are divided between the North segment which is from West Palm Beach to Orlando and the Tampa Expansion from Orlando to Tampa and the South segment is from Miami to West Palm Beach, helping ease the stress of traffic, provide a simple and intuitive experience from door to destination.
Contact Information
www.gobrightline.comCorporate Office
- 350 North West 1st Avenue
- Suite 200
- Miami, FL 33128
- United States
Corporate Office
- 350 North West 1st Avenue
- Suite 200
- Miami, FL 33128
- United States
Brightline Trains Timeline
Brightline Trains Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Brightline Trains Signals
Brightline Trains Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Brightline Trains Acquisitions (1)
Brightline Trains’s most recent deal was a Merger/Acquisition with XpressWest. The deal was made on 18-Sep-2018.
Company Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Lead Partner |
XpressWest | 18-Sep-2018 | Merger/Acquisition | Rail |
Brightline Trains FAQs
When was Brightline Trains founded?
Brightline Trains was founded in 2012.
Where is Brightline Trains headquartered?
Brightline Trains is headquartered in Miami, FL.
What is the size of Brightline Trains?
Brightline Trains has 400 total employees.
What industry is Brightline Trains in?
Brightline Trains’s primary industry is Rail.
Is Brightline Trains a private or public company?
Brightline Trains is a Private company.
What is Brightline Trains’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Brightline Trains is
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How much funding has Brightline Trains raised over time?
Brightline Trains has raised $2.56B.
Who are Brightline Trains’s investors?
Morgan Stanley, US Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation, Virgin (London), and Fortress Investment Group have invested in Brightline Trains.
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