Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) Overview
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- Financing Rounds
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) General Information
Provider of natural gas marketing and electricity brokerage services. The business distributes electricity and natural gas approximately 1,000 commercial and industrial customers across Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, United States.
Contact Information
Corporate Office
- Bridgeport, CT
- United States
Corporate Office
- Bridgeport, CT
- United States
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) Former Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) FAQs
Where is Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) headquartered?
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) is headquartered in Bridgeport, CT.
What industry is Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) in?
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business)’s primary industry is Energy Marketing.
Is Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) a private or public company?
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) is a Private company.
What is the current valuation of Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business)?
The current valuation of Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) is 000.00.
What is Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business)’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) is 000000.
Who are Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business)’s investors?
Santa Buckley has invested in Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business).
When was Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) acquired?
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) was acquired on 01-Feb-2016.
Who acquired Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business)?
Santa Buckley Energy (Natural Gas Marketing and Electricity Brokerage Business) was acquired by Sprague Operating Resources.
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