Mikro MSC Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1997

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 160


  • Stock Symbol
  • 0112

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 5

  • Share Price
  • $0.05
  • (As of Friday Closing)

Mikro MSC General Information


Mikro MSC Bhd is engaged in the research, development, and design of analogue, digital and computer-controlled electronic systems or devices for use in electrical, electronic and other industries and provision of technical and maintenance services. The company offers products and services, including combined overcurrent and earth fault relays; overcurrent relays; earth fault relays; earth leakage relays; earth leakage system; metering solutions; voltage relays; reverse power relay; power factor regulator; annunciator; motor protection relay, and capacitor and reactor. Geographically, it derives a majority of revenue from Malaysia.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Corporate Office
  • 3, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48
  • Sek 31, Kota Kemuning
  • Shah Alam, 40460
  • Malaysia
+60 05-525
Primary Industry
Electrical Equipment
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • 3, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48
  • Sek 31, Kota Kemuning
  • Shah Alam, 40460
  • Malaysia
+60 05-525

Mikro MSC Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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Mikro MSC Stock Performance

(As of Friday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$0.05 $0.05 $0.04 - $0.08 $56.3M 1.07B 5.35M

Mikro MSC Financials Summary

In Thousands,
TTM 31-Mar-2024 FY 2023 30-Jun-2023 FY 2022 30-Jun-2022 FY 2021 30-Jun-2021
EV 46,098 24,877 17,282 32,063
Revenue 12,161 12,299 12,543 14,100
EBITDA 7,675 1,845 2,281 2,254
Net Income 6,784 847 1,205 1,201
Total Assets 63,570 33,628 28,598 29,762
Total Debt 1,760 1,954 2,030 2,304
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Mikro MSC Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Mikro MSC Executive Team (5)

Name Title Board Seat
Syed Mohd Hafiz Syed Mohd Chief Executive Officer
Chan Sang Chief Technology Officer
Yim Wah Co-Founder & Managing Director
Siang Hui Chief Commercial Officer
Fong Ni Co-Founder & Executive Director
To view Mikro MSC’s complete executive team members history, request access »

Mikro MSC Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

Similarweb Unique Visitors

Majestic Referring Domains

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Mikro MSC Investments & Acquisitions (5)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
TES Productions & Projects 12-Aug-2024 Other Commercial Products
Bio Eneco 13-Sep-2023 Energy Production
Bio Eneco 23-Jun-2023 Energy Production
EPE Busway 08-Aug-2019 Electrical Equipment
Mittric Systems 08-Aug-2019 Merger/Acquisition Distributors/Wholesale
To view Mikro MSC’s complete investments and acquisitions history, request access »

Mikro MSC Subsidiaries (2)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
Mittric Systems Distributors/Wholesale Shah Alam, Malaysia 2001
EPE Busway Electrical Equipment Nilai, Malaysia
To view Mikro MSC’s complete subsidiaries history, request access »

Mikro MSC FAQs

  • When was Mikro MSC founded?

    Mikro MSC was founded in 1997.

  • Who is the founder of Mikro MSC?

    Yim Wah and Fong Ni are the founders of Mikro MSC.

  • Who is the CEO of Mikro MSC?

    Syed Mohd Hafiz Syed Mohd is the CEO of Mikro MSC.

  • Where is Mikro MSC headquartered?

    Mikro MSC is headquartered in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

  • What is the size of Mikro MSC?

    Mikro MSC has 160 total employees.

  • What industry is Mikro MSC in?

    Mikro MSC’s primary industry is Electrical Equipment.

  • Is Mikro MSC a private or public company?

    Mikro MSC is a Public company.

  • What is Mikro MSC’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Mikro MSC is 0112.

  • What is the current stock price of Mikro MSC?

    As of 11-Oct-2024 the stock price of Mikro MSC is $0.05.

  • What is the current market cap of Mikro MSC?

    The current market capitalization of Mikro MSC is $56.3M.

  • What is Mikro MSC’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Mikro MSC is $12.2M.

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