Die Frischemanufaktur Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2017

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Out of Business

  • Employees
  • 7


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Liquidation

Die Frischemanufaktur General Information


Producer of beverage products intended to provide freshly cut fruits that can be stored for a long time. The company's products are made with no artificial flavors, sugar, or sweeteners, enabling consumers to experience infused water at affordable prices.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
The fresh manufactory, Dr. Müller und Gruber
Ownership Status
Out of Business
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Corporate Office
  • Merseburger Strasse 49 A
  • 06217 Beuna
  • Germany
+49 0176
Primary Industry
Other Industries
Specialty Retail
Corporate Office
  • Merseburger Strasse 49 A
  • 06217 Beuna
  • Germany
+49 0176

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Die Frischemanufaktur Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
6. Bankruptcy: Liquidation 15-Apr-2024 Completed Bankruptcy: Liquidation
5. Grant 24-Sep-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Early Stage VC 03-Sep-2018 Completed Generating Revenue
3. Product Crowdfunding 15-Dec-2017 Completed Startup
2. Accelerator/Incubator Completed Startup
1. Accelerator/Incubator Completed Startup
To view Die Frischemanufaktur’s complete valuation and funding history, request access »

Die Frischemanufaktur Patents

Die Frischemanufaktur Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
US-20220408759-A1 Method for the production of a beverage for human consumption, which is filled into a container and which contains at least one empirical piece of at least one flavor carrier Pending 23-May-2020
AU-2021278579-A1 Method for the production of a beverage for human consumption, which is filled into a container and which contains at least one empirical piece of at least one flavor carrier Inactive 23-May-2020
EP-4152949-A1 Method for producing a beverage for human consumption which is filled into a container and which contains at least one portion of at least one flavor carrier according to the invention Pending 23-May-2020
DE-102017007581-A1 Container device for receiving products intended for human consumption Inactive 11-Aug-2017
EP-3441322-B1 Container device for products for human consumption Active 11-Aug-2017 B65D81/22
To view Die Frischemanufaktur’s complete patent history, request access »

Die Frischemanufaktur Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

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Die Frischemanufaktur FAQs

  • When was Die Frischemanufaktur founded?

    Die Frischemanufaktur was founded in 2017.

  • Where is Die Frischemanufaktur headquartered?

    Die Frischemanufaktur is headquartered in Beuna, Germany.

  • What is the size of Die Frischemanufaktur?

    Die Frischemanufaktur has 7 total employees.

  • What industry is Die Frischemanufaktur in?

    Die Frischemanufaktur’s primary industry is Beverages.

  • Is Die Frischemanufaktur a private or public company?

    Die Frischemanufaktur is a Private company.

  • What is Die Frischemanufaktur’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Die Frischemanufaktur is .

  • How much funding has Die Frischemanufaktur raised over time?

    Die Frischemanufaktur has raised $404K.

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