Fudaojun Overview
- Year Founded

- Status
- Latest Deal Type
Series A
- Investors
Fudaojun General Information
Provider online tutoring services for students in all grade levels. The company provides 1 on 1 tutoring services, and all the tutors are students from top 20 universities, enabling students to get a better understanding of course material and improve their grades.
Contact Information
www.fudaojun.comCorporate Office
- 2/F, Building 7, Dream Town
- No. 1288 Liangmu Road, Yuhang District
- Hangzhou, Zhejiang
- China
Corporate Office
- 2/F, Building 7, Dream Town
- No. 1288 Liangmu Road, Yuhang District
- Hangzhou, Zhejiang
- China
Fudaojun Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Raised to Date | Post-Val | Status | Stage |
4. Later Stage VC (Series A) | 01-Dec-2016 | Completed | Generating Revenue | |||
3. Later Stage VC | 17-Jul-2015 | Completed | Generating Revenue | |||
2. Later Stage VC | 01-Jun-2014 | Completed | Generating Revenue | |||
1. Early Stage VC | 01-Oct-2010 | Completed | Startup |
Fudaojun Investors (2)
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds |
Goldport Capital | Venture Capital | Minority | ||
Shenzhen Fangde Zhilian Investment | Asset Manager | Minority |
Fudaojun FAQs
When was Fudaojun founded?
Fudaojun was founded in 2008.
Where is Fudaojun headquartered?
Fudaojun is headquartered in Hangzhou, China.
What industry is Fudaojun in?
Fudaojun’s primary industry is Educational Software.
Is Fudaojun a private or public company?
Fudaojun is a Private company.
What is Fudaojun’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Fudaojun is
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Who are Fudaojun’s investors?
Goldport Capital and Shenzhen Fangde Zhilian Investment have invested in Fudaojun.
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