Salzgitter Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1857

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 25,399


  • Stock Symbol
  • SZG

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 10

  • Share Price
  • $19.12
  • (As of Wednesday Closing)

Salzgitter General Information


Salzgitter AG is a German-based steel & technology company. The segments of the company are Steel Production, Steel Processing, Trading, & Technology business. The majority is derived from the trading segment. Steel Production Business Unit manufactures high-quality branded steel & special steel. Steel Processing Business Unit produce a broad spectrum of high-grade plate products. Trading Business Unit operates a tightly-knit European sales network & trading companies & agencies that ensure that Salzgitter Group's products & services are marketed efficiently. Technology Business Unit operates in the filling & packing technology segment, as well as in special machinery engineering for shoe manufacturing & elastomer production. Geographically, the majority is derived from domestic markets.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
Reichswerke Hermann Göring
Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Corporate Office
  • Eisenhuttenstrabe 99
  • 38239 Salzgitter
  • Germany
+49 05341
Primary Industry
Iron and Steel Mining
Other Industries
Industrial Supplies and Parts
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • Eisenhuttenstrabe 99
  • 38239 Salzgitter
  • Germany
+49 05341

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Salzgitter Stock Performance

As of 06-Nov-2024, Salzgitter’s stock price is $19.12. Its current market cap is $1.03B with 54.1M shares.

(As of Wednesday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$19.12 $20.86 $14.02 - $32.44 $1.03B 54.1M 138K -$0.21

Salzgitter Financials Summary

As of 30-Jun-2024, Salzgitter has a trailing 12-month revenue of $11B.

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Jun-2024 FY 2023 31-Dec-2023 FY 2022 31-Dec-2022 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021
EV 1,727,691 2,266,210 2,600,681 2,851,466
Revenue 11,033,334 11,676,135 13,198,578 11,547,984
EBITDA 485,021 732,024 1,700,960 1,491,824
Net Income (11,576) 216,523 1,137,092 687,034
Total Assets 11,304,506 11,608,910 11,907,152 11,610,810
Total Debt 1,530,035 1,437,904 1,821,253 1,714,975
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Salzgitter Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Salzgitter Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Salzgitter AG is a German-based steel & technology company. The segments of the company are Steel Production, Steel Proc
Iron and Steel Mining
Salzgitter, Germany
25,399 As of 2024

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Duisburg, Germany
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Salzgitter Competitors (3)

One of Salzgitter’s 3 competitors is ArcelorMittal, a Corporate Backed or Acquired company based in Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
ArcelorMittal Corporate Backed or Acquired Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Klockner & Co Formerly PE-Backed Duisburg, Germany
Metallus Corporation Canton, OH
You’re viewing 3 of 3 competitors. Get the full list »

Salzgitter Patents

Salzgitter Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
DE-102023107510-A1 Furnace arrangement for a steel production plant, electrically operated furnace for such a furnace arrangement and method for feeding charge materials into the furnace Pending 24-Mar-2023
DE-102023106448-A1 Plant for the formation of solid slag pieces from liquid steelworks slag and corresponding process for the formation of solid slag pieces Pending 15-Mar-2023
DE-102023104798-B3 Method and device for creating a temporary corrosion protection for a coil made of an annealed steel strip and coil unit with such a steel strip Active 28-Feb-2023
DE-102023104556-A1 Utility gas regasification plant for regasification of liquefied utility gas and process for regasification of liquefied utility gas Pending 24-Feb-2023
DE-102023101121-A1 Direct reduction device for producing sponge iron and method for feeding iron ore-containing particles into the reactor of such a direct reduction device Pending 18-Jan-2023 C21B13/0033
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Salzgitter Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

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Majestic Referring Domains

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Salzgitter Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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Salzgitter Investments & Acquisitions (10)

Salzgitter’s most recent deal was a Merger/Acquisition with Statendam Steel Plates. The deal was made on 31-Dec-2019.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Statendam Steel Plates 31-Dec-2019 Merger/Acquisition Industrial Supplies and Parts
Aurubis 28-Sep-2015 Merger/Acquisition Other Metals, Minerals and Mining
Kovac Stahl (Graz & Gratkorn Operations) 01-Jul-2012 Merger/Acquisition Other Commercial Services
Salzgitter Mannesmann Stahlservice 19-Oct-2011 Merger/Acquisition Industrial Supplies and Parts
Aurubis 29-Aug-2011 PIPE Other Metals, Minerals and Mining
You’re viewing 5 of 10 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »

Salzgitter Subsidiaries (19)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
Mannesmann Sotep Stainless Tubes Other Commercial Products Chouday, France 2011
Phoenix Immobilienverwaltungsgesellschaft Real Estate Services (B2C) Mulheim An Der Ruhr, Germany
Salzgitter Mannesmann (Scandinavia) Specialty Retail Malmo, Sweden
Statendam Steel Plates Industrial Supplies and Parts Oosterhout, Netherlands
Ilsenburger Grobblech Industrial Supplies and Parts Ilsenburg, Germany
You’re viewing 5 of 19 subsidiaries. Get the full list »

Salzgitter ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated May, 31, 2024

35.94 | High Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 15,035





of 157





of 157



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Salzgitter FAQs

  • When was Salzgitter founded?

    Salzgitter was founded in 1857.

  • Where is Salzgitter headquartered?

    Salzgitter is headquartered in Salzgitter, Germany.

  • What is the size of Salzgitter?

    Salzgitter has 25,399 total employees.

  • What industry is Salzgitter in?

    Salzgitter’s primary industry is Iron and Steel Mining.

  • Is Salzgitter a private or public company?

    Salzgitter is a Public company.

  • What is Salzgitter’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Salzgitter is SZG.

  • What is the current stock price of Salzgitter?

    As of 06-Nov-2024 the stock price of Salzgitter is $19.12.

  • What is the current market cap of Salzgitter?

    The current market capitalization of Salzgitter is $1.03B.

  • What is Salzgitter’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Salzgitter is $11B.

  • Who are Salzgitter’s competitors?

    ArcelorMittal, Klockner & Co, and Metallus are competitors of Salzgitter.

  • What is Salzgitter’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    Salzgitter’s EPS for 12 months was -$0.21.

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