Frazier Technology Ventures Overview
- Investor Type
Venture Capital
- Status
- Investments
- Exits
Frazier Technology Ventures General Information
Company Description
Frazier Technology Ventures was a venture capital firm invested in companies operating in the software, web services, wireless and mobile,communications and networking sectors. The firm was based in is based in Seattle, Washington.
Business Details
Investor Status
Primary Investor Type
Corporate Office
- 601 Union, Two Union Square
- Suite 3200
- Seattle, WA 98101
- United States
Frazier Technology Ventures Investments (44)
Company Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Company Stage | Lead Partner |
Socrata | 25-Nov-2014 | Later Stage VC | 0000 | Database Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
DocuSign | 07-Oct-2014 | 00000 00000 | 00000 | Business/Productivity Software | Profitable | 00000 000000 |
Socrata | 26-Jun-2013 | 00000 00000 | 000.00 | Database Software | Generating Revenue | 00000 000000 |
DocuSign | 07-Aug-2012 | 00000 00000 | 0000 | Business/Productivity Software | Profitable | 00000 000000 |
DocuSign | 08-Dec-2010 | 00000 00000 | 000.00 | Business/Productivity Software | Profitable | 00000 000000 |
Smilebox | 23-Feb-2010 | 00000 00000 | 000 | Multimedia and Design Software | Generating Revenue | 0000 000000 |
Control4 | 08-Jul-2009 | 00000 00000 | 000.00 | Electronics (B2C) | Profitable | |
DocuSign | 07-May-2009 | 00000 00000 | 000.00 | Business/Productivity Software | Profitable | 00000 000000 |
Aveso | 03-Apr-2009 | Later Stage VC | 00.000 | Other Commercial Products | Generating Revenue | |
Finsphere | 22-Mar-2009 | Early Stage VC | 00.00 | Business/Productivity Software | Out of Business | 0000 000000 |
Frazier Technology Ventures Exits (25)
Company Name | Exit Date | Exit Type | Exit Size |
DocuSign | 14-Sep-2018 | Secondary Transaction - Open Market | 00000 |
Socrata | 30-Apr-2018 | 000000000000 | 00000 |
DocuSign | 27-Apr-2018 | 000 | 00000 |
Control4 | 01-Mar-2018 | 000000000 00 | |
Finsphere | 01-May-2016 | 000 00 00000 | |
Control4 | 01-Mar-2015 | 000000000 00 | |
Medio Systems | 12-Jun-2014 | 000000000000 | |
Function(x) | 24-Apr-2014 | 000000 00000 | 0000 | | 16-Dec-2013 | Merger/Acquisition | 0000 |
OnRequest Images | 01-Dec-2013 | Bankruptcy: Liquidation |
Frazier Technology Ventures Fund Performance
Fund Name | Vintage | Size | Dry Powder | DPI | RVPI | TVPI | IRR |
Frazier Technology Ventures Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Frazier Technology Ventures FAQs
What is Frazier Technology Ventures?
Frazier Technology Ventures was a venture capital firm invested in companies operating in the software, web services, wireless and mobile,communications and networking sectors.
Who is the founder of Frazier Technology Ventures?
Alan Frazier is the founder of Frazier Technology Ventures.
Where is Frazier Technology Ventures headquartered?
Frazier Technology Ventures is headquartered in Seattle, WA.
What is Frazier Technology Ventures's total asset value?
Frazier Technology Ventures has around 00000 in total assets under management.
How many investments has Frazier Technology Ventures made?
Frazier Technology Ventures has made 44 investments.
What has Frazier Technology Ventures invested in?
Frazier Technology Ventures has made numerous investments in companies like Socrata, DocuSign, and Smilebox within the Database Software, Business/Productivity Software, and Multimedia and Design Software industries.
What has Frazier Technology Ventures invested in recently?
Frazier Technology Ventures's latest investment was on 25-Nov-2014 in Socrata, a company within the Database Software industry.
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