Bernhard Burgener Overview

  • Investor Type
  • Angel

Bernhard Burgener General Information


Mr. Bernhard Burgener serves as Chairman, Delegate of the Board of Directors & Chief Executive Officer at Highlight Event and Entertainment. He founded Sunset Video and opened video stores in the greater Basel area. A year later he sold it. In 1983 he founded Rainbow Video for the distribution of videos. In 1999 he also took a stake in Constantin Film (a minority stake since 2002, later a subsidiary of Highlight Communications). From 2008 to 2015 he was CEO of Constantin Medien. He served as President & Board Member at Highlight Event and Entertainment. He has been a member since 1995, President since 2012 and President and Delegate of the Board of Directors since 2016. After completing his degree in business administration, he became an independent entrepreneur and took a stake in Highlight Communications in 1994, which he listed on the stock exchange in 1999. In addition to his role at HLEE, he is President and Delegate of the Board of Directors of Highlight Communications and is responsible for the Highlight Group's strategy. He is also chairman of the supervisory board of Constantin Film, Munich.

Business Details

Primary Investor Type
Angel (individual)
Corporate Office
  • Netzibodenstrasse 23b
  • 4133 Pratteln
  • Switzerland
+41 041 000 00 00

Bernhard Burgener Investments by Industry, Year, and Region

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Bernhard Burgener Team (1)

Name Title Deals Funds Boards Office
Bernhard Burgener Angel Investor 0 0 Pratteln, Switzerland

Bernhard Burgener FAQs

  • Who is Bernhard Burgener?

    Bernhard Burgener is an angel Investor who has made 0 investments.

  • What kind of investor is Bernhard Burgener?

    Bernhard Burgener is an angel investor.

  • What does Bernhard Burgener do?

    As an angel investor, Bernhard Burgener invests personal money into promising companies, typically in exchange for equity.

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