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Product Release

Uplevel collaboration at your firm with PitchBook’s newest features

Utilizing our new features, customers can save and circulate core documents, invite collaboration, set permissions and get alerts when updates have been made—all without leaving the platform.

Professionals working across the financial services industry spend significant time building and refining their firms’ core lists, searches and market maps. Distributing these working files is a challenge—one that involves circulating assets that become outdated nearly as soon as they are shared. Incorporating edits from across an organization is even more difficult.

With PitchBook’s newest features—including collaborative lists, searches and market maps—we’re empowering customers to do their best work in less time and with more streamlined input from their colleagues. Once time-consuming and difficult to maintain, PitchBook users can now save and share these important documents, invite feedback, set permission levels and see what updates have been made in real-time—all without leaving the platform.

Robust and timely collaboration is key to discovering the full potential and utility of these traditionally clunky—but fundamental—tools. With these new features, PitchBook is streamlining the processes of maintaining and making the most out of these documents. Across saved lists, searches and market maps, our new collaborative features include the ability to:

Invite team members to collaborate

Instead of downloading your saved list, search or market map and sending it to colleagues as a stand-alone attachment, simply invite any user on your PitchBook account to collaborate on these fundamental materials in real-time. Where you used to receive scattered feedback or a disparate list of edits, now the entire team can interact with a living document and refine it together.

Set collaborative permissions

As the creator and maintainer of a saved list, search or market map, you decide how collaborators interact with your materials. Editors can make changes, while team members with viewer permission can access—but not update—a saved document. Permission levels are unique to each asset to ensure you get the types of updates and suggestions that gelp get the work done.

Track changes with activity log and alerts

Stay in-the-know about what changes have been made to any saved list, search or market map and get pinged when a new collaborator has been added. With our alerts functionality, get details about who made specific edits to a document and when delivered once daily, while the activity log can be accessed at any point for real-time updates on all changes.

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