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Launch Report: Biopharma

Q3 2023

Launch Report: Biopharma

December 6, 2023

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Biopharma investments hinge on the science 

VCs are often betting that their portfolio companies will disrupt lives. But those who bet on biopharma are counting on innovations that save lives. Since investment in biopharma peaked in 2021, VCs have been more discerning with their capital, keeping a closer eye on clinical trial results and making late-stage deals.  

Our inaugural biopharma Emerging Tech Research report offers a comprehensive primer and an update on VC trends in the sector. Our biopharma analyst spotlights traditional investment areas like chemistry and biologics, as well as cutting-edge spaces like gene therapy and cell therapy, among others. 

Table of contents
Vertical overview 3
Q1 to Q3 2023 timeline 5
Biopharma landscape 6
Biopharma VC ecosystem market map 7
VC activity 9
Emerging opportunities 11
       Chemistry 12
       Biologics 21
       Gene therapy 30
       Cell therapy 38
       Emerging therapy 46
       Therapeutic areas 52
Appendix 60