Weston Brands Overview
- Year Founded

- Status
- Employees

- Latest Deal Type
- Financing Rounds
Weston Brands General Information
Provider of food processing products and tools. The company offers processing products such as meat grinders, dehydrators, smokers, game processing equipment, sausage making equipment, jerky making equipment, juicers, mills, baking mats, burger presses, meat slicers and preparing products including pasta and sauce makers.
Contact Information
www.westonbrands.comCorporate Office
- 20365 Progress Drive
- Strongsville, OH 44149
- United States
Corporate Office
- 20365 Progress Drive
- Strongsville, OH 44149
- United States
Weston Brands Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Weston Brands Patents
Weston Brands Recent Patent Activity
Publication ID | Patent Title | Status | First Filing Date | Technology (CPC) | Citations |
US-20070151913-A1 | Floating skimmer for cleaning the surface of a body of liquid | Active | 04-Jan-2006 | ||
US-20080203870-A1 | Kitchen appliance configured to allow variation of aesthetic appearance thereof | Inactive | 24-Mar-2005 |
Weston Brands Signals
Weston Brands Former Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Weston Brands FAQs
When was Weston Brands founded?
Weston Brands was founded in 1997.
Where is Weston Brands headquartered?
Weston Brands is headquartered in Strongsville, OH.
What is the size of Weston Brands?
Weston Brands has 40 total employees.
What industry is Weston Brands in?
Weston Brands’s primary industry is Household Appliances.
Is Weston Brands a private or public company?
Weston Brands is a Private company.
What is the current valuation of Weston Brands?
The current valuation of Weston Brands is
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What is Weston Brands’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Weston Brands is
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Who are Weston Brands’s investors?
Highgate Capital Group has invested in Weston Brands.
When was Weston Brands acquired?
Weston Brands was acquired on 16-Dec-2014.
Who acquired Weston Brands?
Weston Brands was acquired by Hamilton Beach Brands.
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