LigaChem Biosciences Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2006

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 167


  • Stock Symbol
  • 141080

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 3

  • Share Price
  • $73.08
  • (As of Friday Closing)

LigaChem Biosciences General Information


LigaChem Biosciences Inc develops new drugs through research. The Company provides business research services, manufacturing and sale of compounds, and drug evaluation.

Contact Information

Formerly Known As
LegoChem Biosciences
Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Corporate Office
  • 10, Gukjegwahak 10-ro
  • Yuseong-gu
  • Daejeon
  • South Korea
Primary Industry
Drug Discovery
Other Industries
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • 10, Gukjegwahak 10-ro
  • Yuseong-gu
  • Daejeon
  • South Korea

LigaChem Biosciences Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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LigaChem Biosciences Stock Performance

As of 06-Dec-2024, LigaChem Biosciences’s stock price is $73.08. Its current market cap is $2.66B with 36.4M shares.

(As of Friday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$73.08 $74.06 $34.73 - $102.62 $2.66B 36.4M 828K -$0.02

LigaChem Biosciences Financials Summary

As of 30-Sep-2024, LigaChem Biosciences has a trailing 12-month revenue of $75.4M.

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Sep-2024 FY 2023 31-Dec-2023 FY 2022 31-Dec-2022 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021
EV 2,347,398 1,265,933 711,579 996,008
Revenue 75,375 26,116 25,858 28,074
EBITDA (10,655) (58,400) (36,828) (15,982)
Net Income (2,179) (56,372) (34,898) (20,422)
Total Assets 554,523 147,051 199,959 246,411
Total Debt 9,663 9,812 9,699 10,310
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

LigaChem Biosciences Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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LigaChem Biosciences Patents

LigaChem Biosciences Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
AU-2023249557-A1 Antibody-drug conjugate comprising antibody against human trop2 and use thereof Pending 06-Apr-2022
CA-3213985-A1 Antibody-drug conjugate including antibody against human cldn18.2, and use thereof Pending 30-Mar-2021
EP-4321180-A1 Antibody-drug conjugate including antibody against human cldn18.2, and use thereof Pending 30-Mar-2021
JP-2024515934-A Antibody-drug conjugates containing antibodies against human cldn18.2 and uses thereof Pending 30-Mar-2021
AU-2022250810-A1 Antibody-drug conjugate including antibody against human cldn18.2, and use thereof Pending 30-Mar-2021 A61K47/6851
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LigaChem Biosciences Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

Similarweb Unique Visitors

Majestic Referring Domains

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LigaChem Biosciences Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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LigaChem Biosciences Investments & Acquisitions (3)

LigaChem Biosciences’s most recent deal was a Corporate with S-Alpha Therapeutics for . The deal was made on 01-Feb-2020.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
S-Alpha Therapeutics 01-Feb-2020 Corporate Drug Discovery
Geom Therapeutics 07-Jul-2016 Merger/Acquisition Drug Discovery
Khanmed 21-Dec-2015 Merger/Acquisition Distributors (Healthcare)
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LigaChem Biosciences ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated July, 12, 2023

39.38 | High Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 15,100





of 851





of 424



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LigaChem Biosciences Exits (1)

LigaChem Biosciences’s most recent exit was on 07-Jul-2016 from Geom Therapeutics. The exit was categorized as .

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size Status Buyers
Geom Therapeutics 07-Jul-2016 Completed
To view LigaChem Biosciences’s complete exits history, request access »

LigaChem Biosciences FAQs

  • When was LigaChem Biosciences founded?

    LigaChem Biosciences was founded in 2006.

  • Where is LigaChem Biosciences headquartered?

    LigaChem Biosciences is headquartered in Daejeon, South Korea.

  • What is the size of LigaChem Biosciences?

    LigaChem Biosciences has 167 total employees.

  • What industry is LigaChem Biosciences in?

    LigaChem Biosciences’s primary industry is Drug Discovery.

  • Is LigaChem Biosciences a private or public company?

    LigaChem Biosciences is a Public company.

  • What is LigaChem Biosciences’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for LigaChem Biosciences is 141080.

  • What is the current stock price of LigaChem Biosciences?

    As of 06-Dec-2024 the stock price of LigaChem Biosciences is $73.08.

  • What is the current market cap of LigaChem Biosciences?

    The current market capitalization of LigaChem Biosciences is $2.66B.

  • What is LigaChem Biosciences’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for LigaChem Biosciences is $75.4M.

  • What is LigaChem Biosciences’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    LigaChem Biosciences’s EPS for 12 months was -$0.02.

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