Smith & Nephew Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1855

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 18,000


  • Stock Symbol
  • SN.

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 54

  • Share Price
  • $12.50
  • (As of Friday Closing)

Smith & Nephew General Information


Smith & Nephew designs, manufactures, and markets orthopedic devices, sports medicine and arthroscopic technologies, and wound care solutions. Roughly 41% of the UK-based firm's revenue comes from orthopedic products, and another 30% is sports medicine and ENT. The remaining 29% of revenue is from the advanced wound therapy segment. Over half of Smith & Nephew's total revenue comes from the United States, just over 30% is from other developed markets, and emerging markets account for the remainder.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Corporate Office
  • Building 5, Croxley Park
  • Hatters Lane
  • Watford WD18 8YE
  • England, United Kingdom
+44 0800
Primary Industry
Medical Supplies
Other Industries
Surgical Devices
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • Building 5, Croxley Park
  • Hatters Lane
  • Watford WD18 8YE
  • England, United Kingdom
+44 0800

Smith & Nephew Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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Smith & Nephew Stock Performance

As of 06-Dec-2024, Smith & Nephew’s stock price is $12.50. Its current market cap is $10.9B with 872M shares.

(As of Friday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$12.50 $12.43 $11.77 - $16.00 $10.9B 872M 2.86M $0.35

Smith & Nephew Financials Summary

As of 30-Jun-2024, Smith & Nephew has a trailing 12-month revenue of $5.64B.

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Jun-2024 FY 2023 31-Dec-2023 FY 2022 31-Dec-2022 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021
EV 13,593,695 14,842,083 14,000,912 17,537,035
Revenue 5,642,000 5,549,000 5,215,000 5,212,000
EBITDA 983,000 922,000 860,000 1,236,000
Net Income 305,000 263,000 223,000 524,000
Total Assets 10,542,000 9,987,000 9,966,000 10,920,000
Total Debt 3,655,000 3,084,000 2,872,000 3,339,000
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Smith & Nephew Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Smith & Nephew Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Smith & Nephew designs, manufactures, and markets orthopedic devices, sports medicine and arthroscopic technologies, and
Medical Supplies
Watford, United Kingdom
18,000 As of 2024

Audubon, PA

Minneapolis, MN
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Smith & Nephew Competitors (23)

One of Smith & Nephew’s 23 competitors is Globus Medical, a Formerly VC-backed company based in Audubon, PA.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Globus Medical Formerly VC-backed Audubon, PA
Medtronic Corporation Minneapolis, MN
Orthofix International Formerly PE-Backed Lewisville, TX
Baxter India Corporation Gurgaon, India
Aspen Surgical Private Equity-Backed Caledonia, MI
You’re viewing 5 of 23 competitors. Get the full list »

Smith & Nephew Patents

Smith & Nephew Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
GB-2624657-A Method of limb scanning Pending 24-Nov-2022
GB-2626230-A Method Pending 23-Nov-2022
EP-4452353-A1 Systems and methods for controlling pressure delivery by negative pressure wound therapy devices Pending 21-Dec-2021
EP-4448035-A1 Smart battery pack with power saving modes for negative pressure wound therapy devices Pending 13-Dec-2021
EP-4437748-A1 Device communication management in user activity monitoring systems Pending 24-Nov-2021 H04W12/65
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Smith & Nephew Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

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Smith & Nephew Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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Smith & Nephew Investments & Acquisitions (54)

Smith & Nephew’s most recent deal was a Later Stage VC with Miach Orthopaedics for . The deal was made on 02-Apr-2024.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Miach Orthopaedics 02-Apr-2024 Later Stage VC Surgical Devices
CartiHeal 09-Jan-2024 Merger/Acquisition Therapeutic Devices
Additive Instruments 09-Mar-2023 Merger/Acquisition Surgical Devices
Engage Surgical 18-Jan-2022 Merger/Acquisition Therapeutic Devices
Integra LifeSciences (Extremity Orthopedic Business) 04-Jan-2021 Merger/Acquisition Therapeutic Devices
You’re viewing 5 of 54 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »

Smith & Nephew Subsidiaries (6)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
CartiHeal Therapeutic Devices Kfar Saba, Israel 2009
Rotation Medical Pharmaceuticals Plymouth, MN
Atracsys Diagnostic Equipment Puidoux, Switzerland
EuroCiencia Colombia Medical Supplies Bogota, Colombia
Oratec Interventions Surgical Devices Manassas, VA
You’re viewing 5 of 6 subsidiaries. Get the full list »

Smith & Nephew ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated October, 02, 2024

21.03 | Med Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 15,100





of 588



Medical Devices


of 200



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Smith & Nephew Exits (4)

Smith & Nephew’s most recent exit was on 01-Dec-2016 from OrthoSpace. The exit was categorized as with 4 buyers.

Company Name Exit Date Exit Type Exit Size Status Buyers
OrthoSpace 01-Dec-2016 Completed
  • 4 buyers
OrthoSpace 19-May-2015 Completed
  • 3 buyers
BSN medical 01-Apr-2001 Completed
  • 2 buyers
Jobskin Australia 01-Jan-1991 Merger/Acquisition Completed
To view Smith & Nephew’s complete exits history, request access »

Smith & Nephew FAQs

  • When was Smith & Nephew founded?

    Smith & Nephew was founded in 1855.

  • Where is Smith & Nephew headquartered?

    Smith & Nephew is headquartered in Watford, United Kingdom.

  • What is the size of Smith & Nephew?

    Smith & Nephew has 18,000 total employees.

  • What industry is Smith & Nephew in?

    Smith & Nephew’s primary industry is Medical Supplies.

  • Is Smith & Nephew a private or public company?

    Smith & Nephew is a Public company.

  • What is Smith & Nephew’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Smith & Nephew is SN..

  • What is the current stock price of Smith & Nephew?

    As of 06-Dec-2024 the stock price of Smith & Nephew is $12.50.

  • What is the current market cap of Smith & Nephew?

    The current market capitalization of Smith & Nephew is $10.9B.

  • What is Smith & Nephew’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Smith & Nephew is $5.64B.

  • Who are Smith & Nephew’s competitors?

    Globus Medical, Medtronic, Orthofix International, Baxter India, and Aspen Surgical are some of the 23 competitors of Smith & Nephew.

  • What is Smith & Nephew’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    Smith & Nephew’s EPS for 12 months was $0.35.

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