Local Hive Honey Overview
- Year Founded
- Status
- Employees
- Latest Deal Type
- Financing Rounds
Local Hive Honey General Information
Producer of raw and unfiltered honey sourced from local beekeepers across various states and regions throughout the United States. The company's honey is straight from the hive to the kitchen and has its own unique flavor and color based on the region from which it was sourced, ensuring quality and consistent products free of antibiotics and pesticides.
Contact Information
www.localhivehoney.comCorporate Office
- 3331 West 29th Street
- Greeley, CO 80631
- United States
Corporate Office
- 3331 West 29th Street
- Greeley, CO 80631
- United States
Local Hive Honey Valuation & Funding
Deal Type | Date | Amount | Valuation/ EBITDA |
Post-Val | Status | Debt |
Local Hive Honey Executive Team (7)
Name | Title | Board Seat |
Bill McClellan | Co-Chief Executive Officer | |
Tony Landretti | Co-Chief Executive Officer | |
Cale Nelson | Chief Commercial Officer | |
Nancy Burnett | Chief Procurement Officer |
Local Hive Honey Board Members (4)
Name | Representing | Role | Since |
Self | Board Member | ||
Falfurrias Capital Partners | Board Member | ||
Falfurrias Capital Partners | Chairman | ||
Self | Board Member |
Local Hive Honey Signals
Local Hive Honey Investors
Investor Name | Investor Type | Holding | Investor Since | Participating Rounds | Contact Info |
Local Hive Honey FAQs
When was Local Hive Honey founded?
Local Hive Honey was founded in 1924.
Who is the CEO of Local Hive Honey?
Bill McClellan and Tony Landretti are the CEOs of Local Hive Honey.
Where is Local Hive Honey headquartered?
Local Hive Honey is headquartered in Greeley, CO.
What is the size of Local Hive Honey?
Local Hive Honey has 24 total employees.
What industry is Local Hive Honey in?
Local Hive Honey’s primary industry is Food Products.
Is Local Hive Honey a private or public company?
Local Hive Honey is a Private company.
What is Local Hive Honey’s current revenue?
The current revenue for Local Hive Honey is
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Who are Local Hive Honey’s investors?
Falfurrias Capital Partners has invested in Local Hive Honey.
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