Carbon Recycling International Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2006

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Private

  • Employees
  • 42


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Later Stage VC

  • Latest Deal Amount
  • $30M

  • Investors
  • 11

Carbon Recycling International General Information


Producer of renewable methanol intended to develop transformative projects creating valuable products from waste gases and renewable energy. The company's renewable methanol is produced from carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and electricity for energy storage, fuel applications, and efficiency enhancement, enabling users to produce renewable methanol from carbon dioxide and hydrogen, for more sustainable fuels, chemicals, and products.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Privately Held (backing)
Financing Status
Venture Capital-Backed
Corporate Office
  • Holtasmari 1
  • Kopavogur, 201
  • Iceland
+354 527
Primary Industry
Energy Production
CleanTech, Climate Tech
Corporate Office
  • Holtasmari 1
  • Kopavogur, 201
  • Iceland
+354 527

Carbon Recycling International Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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Carbon Recycling International Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
7. Later Stage VC 19-Jun-2023 $30M Completed Generating Revenue
6. Grant 16-Jun-2023 Completed Generating Revenue
5. Later Stage VC 24-Mar-2021 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Grant 10-Apr-2019 Completed Generating Revenue
3. Later Stage VC 03-Jul-2015 Completed Generating Revenue
2. Later Stage VC 30-Jul-2013 $4.14M $4.14M Completed Generating Revenue
1. Later Stage VC Completed Startup
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Carbon Recycling International Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Producer of renewable methanol intended to develop transformative projects creating valuable products from waste gases a
Energy Production
Kopavogur, Iceland
42 As of 2024

Dresden, Germany

Skokie, IL
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Carbon Recycling International Competitors (3)

One of Carbon Recycling International’s 3 competitors is Sunfire, a Venture Capital-Backed company based in Dresden, Germany.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Sunfire Venture Capital-Backed Dresden, Germany
LanzaTech Formerly VC-backed Skokie, IL
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions Failed Transaction (M&A) Dortmund, Germany
You’re viewing 3 of 3 competitors. Get the full list »

Carbon Recycling International Signals

Growth Rate

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Carbon Recycling International Investors (11)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Equinor Ventures Corporate Venture Capital Minority
Gildi Lifeyrissjodur Limited Partner Minority
Sjova-Almennar tryggingar Impact Investing Minority
Westmann Islands Pension Fund Limited Partner Minority
Icelandic Technology Development Fund Government
You’re viewing 5 of 11 investors. Get the full list »

Carbon Recycling International FAQs

  • When was Carbon Recycling International founded?

    Carbon Recycling International was founded in 2006.

  • Where is Carbon Recycling International headquartered?

    Carbon Recycling International is headquartered in Kopavogur, Iceland.

  • What is the size of Carbon Recycling International?

    Carbon Recycling International has 42 total employees.

  • What industry is Carbon Recycling International in?

    Carbon Recycling International’s primary industry is Energy Production.

  • Is Carbon Recycling International a private or public company?

    Carbon Recycling International is a Private company.

  • What is Carbon Recycling International’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Carbon Recycling International is .

  • How much funding has Carbon Recycling International raised over time?

    Carbon Recycling International has raised $89.8M.

  • Who are Carbon Recycling International’s investors?

    Equinor Ventures, Gildi Lifeyrissjodur, Sjova-Almennar tryggingar, Westmann Islands Pension Fund, and Icelandic Technology Development Fund are 5 of 11 investors who have invested in Carbon Recycling International.

  • Who are Carbon Recycling International’s competitors?

    Sunfire, LanzaTech, and ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions are competitors of Carbon Recycling International.

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