Färna Invest Overview
- Investor Type
- Status
- Professionals

- Investments
- Portfolio
- Exits

Färna Invest General Information
Company Description
Färna Invest is a private equity firm based in Skogas, Sweden.
Business Details
Investor Status
Primary Investor Type
Other Investor Types
Corporate Office
- Svarvarvagen 3
- Skinnskatteberg
- 142 50 Skogas
- Sweden
Färna Invest Investments & Acquisitions (10)
Färna Invest’s most recent investment was a ChromoGenics for . The deal was made on 05-Apr-2024.
withCompany Name | Deal Date | Deal Type | Deal Size | Industry | Company Stage | Lead Partner |
ChromoGenics | 05-Apr-2024 | Building Products | Generating Revenue/Not Profitable | |||
Bluefish Pharmaceuticals | 01-Oct-2023 | Pharmaceuticals | Generating Revenue | |||
INDISKA | 07-Nov-2022 | Other Apparel | Generating Revenue | |||
Bluefish Pharmaceuticals | 30-Nov-2021 | Pharmaceuticals | Generating Revenue | |||
Bluefish Pharmaceuticals | 01-May-2021 | Buyout/LBO | Pharmaceuticals | Generating Revenue |
Färna Invest Exits (1)
Färna Invest has made one exit. Its exit was from Langlee Wave Power on 01-Jan-2016, categorized as .
Company Name | Exit Date | Exit Type | Exit Size |
Langlee Wave Power | 01-Jan-2016 |
Färna Invest Investments by Industry, Year, and Region
Subsidiaries (2)
Name | Industry | Location | Year Founded |
RVM Systems | Drammen, Norway | 1994 | |
INDISKA | Stockholm, Sweden | 1901 |
Färna Invest FAQs
What is Färna Invest?
Färna Invest is a private equity firm based in Skogas, Sweden.
Where is Färna Invest headquartered?
Färna Invest is headquartered in Skogas, Sweden.
How many investments has Färna Invest made?
Färna Invest has made 10 investments.
What has Färna Invest invested in?
Färna Invest has made numerous investments in companies like ChromoGenics, Bluefish Pharmaceuticals, and INDISKA within the Building Products, Pharmaceuticals, and Apparel industries.
What has Färna Invest invested in recently?
Färna Invest's latest investment was on 05-Apr-2024 in ChromoGenics, a company within the Building Products industry.
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