Yumanity Therapeutics Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2014

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Employees
  • 8


  • Latest Deal Type
  • M&A

  • Investors
  • 3

Yumanity Therapeutics General Information


Developer of transformative brain-penetrating small molecule drugs designed for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases caused by protein misfolding. The company is focused on the discovery and development of innovative, disease-modifying therapies for patients with Parkinson's disease and related disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Financing Status
Formerly VC-backed
Corporate Office
  • 40 Guest Street
  • Suite 4410
  • Boston, MA 02135
  • United States
Primary Industry
Drug Discovery
Other Industries
Corporate Office
  • 40 Guest Street
  • Suite 4410
  • Boston, MA 02135
  • United States

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Yumanity Therapeutics Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
12. Merger/Acquisition 16-Dec-2022 Completed Generating Revenue
11. PIPE 06-Dec-2022 Completed Generating Revenue
10. PIPE 22-Dec-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
9. Reverse Merger 22-Dec-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
8. Later Stage VC (Series C) 24-Jun-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
7. Debt - PPP 14-Apr-2020 Completed Generating Revenue
6. Mezzanine 31-Dec-2019 Completed Generating Revenue
5. Early Stage VC 29-Jun-2018 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Early Stage VC (Series A) 18-Feb-2016 $51M $51M Completed Startup
3. Accelerator/Incubator 01-Jan-2016 Completed Startup
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Yumanity Therapeutics Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Developer of transformative brain-penetrating small molecule drugs designed for the treatment of neurodegenerative disea
Drug Discovery
Boston, MA
8 As of 2022

Cambridge, MA

Guilford, CT
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Yumanity Therapeutics Competitors (42)

One of Yumanity Therapeutics’s 42 competitors is SAGE Therapeutics, a Formerly VC-backed company based in Cambridge, MA.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
SAGE Therapeutics Formerly VC-backed Cambridge, MA
Bioasis Technologies Corporation Guilford, CT
ProMIS Neurosciences Corporation Toronto, Canada
CuraSen Venture Capital-Backed San Carlos, CA
ALSP Venture Capital-Backed San Diego, CA
You’re viewing 5 of 42 competitors. Get the full list »

Yumanity Therapeutics Signals

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Weekly Growth

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Yumanity Therapeutics Former Investors (11)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Alexandria Venture Investments Venture Capital Minority
Biogen Corporation Minority
Dolby Family Ventures Venture Capital Minority
Fidelity Management & Research Company Asset Manager Minority
Hercules Capital Lender/Debt Provider Minority
You’re viewing 5 of 11 investors. Get the full list »

Yumanity Therapeutics Acquisitions (2)

Yumanity Therapeutics’s most recent deal was a Reverse Merger with Kineta for . The deal was made on 16-Dec-2022.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Kineta 16-Dec-2022 Reverse Merger Drug Discovery
Proteostasis Therapeutics 22-Dec-2020 Merger/Acquisition Drug Discovery
To view Yumanity Therapeutics’s complete acquisitions history, request access »

Yumanity Therapeutics ESG

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Yumanity Therapeutics FAQs

  • When was Yumanity Therapeutics founded?

    Yumanity Therapeutics was founded in 2014.

  • Where is Yumanity Therapeutics headquartered?

    Yumanity Therapeutics is headquartered in Boston, MA.

  • What is the size of Yumanity Therapeutics?

    Yumanity Therapeutics has 8 total employees.

  • What industry is Yumanity Therapeutics in?

    Yumanity Therapeutics’s primary industry is Drug Discovery.

  • Is Yumanity Therapeutics a private or public company?

    Yumanity Therapeutics is a Private company.

  • What is Yumanity Therapeutics’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Yumanity Therapeutics is .

  • How much funding has Yumanity Therapeutics raised over time?

    Yumanity Therapeutics has raised $1.45B.

  • Who are Yumanity Therapeutics’s investors?

    Alexandria Venture Investments, Biogen, Dolby Family Ventures, Fidelity Management & Research Company, and Hercules Capital are 5 of 11 investors who have invested in Yumanity Therapeutics.

  • Who are Yumanity Therapeutics’s competitors?

    SAGE Therapeutics, Bioasis Technologies, ProMIS Neurosciences, CuraSen, and ALSP are some of the 42 competitors of Yumanity Therapeutics.

  • When was Yumanity Therapeutics acquired?

    Yumanity Therapeutics was acquired on 16-Dec-2022.

  • Who acquired Yumanity Therapeutics?

    Yumanity Therapeutics was acquired by Kineta and DGP Company.

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