Empresa Turística de Autobuses Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1951

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Acquired/​Merged

  • Employees
  • 242


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Buyout/​LBO

  • Financing Rounds
  • 1

Empresa Turística de Autobuses General Information


Provider of transportation services. The company offers buses which provide school transportation, long distance transportation, passenger transportation and urban transportation.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Financing Status
Formerly PE-Backed
Corporate Office
  • Calle de Juan de la Cierva, 46
  • Coslada
  • 28823 Madrid
  • Spain
+34 916
Primary Industry
Other Industries
Corporate Office
  • Calle de Juan de la Cierva, 46
  • Coslada
  • 28823 Madrid
  • Spain
+34 916

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Empresa Turística de Autobuses Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Empresa Turística de Autobuses Patents

Empresa Turística de Autobuses Recent Patent Activity

Publication ID Patent Title Status First Filing Date Technology (CPC) Citations
FR-2816607-B1 Suction rod Inactive 14-Nov-2000
FR-2816607-A1 Pick up nozzle for transferring liquid comprises tube with end communicating through valve with pipe, auxiliary tube has free end fixed to tube free end and other end communicates with tube downstream of valve Active 14-Nov-2000
FR-2808013-B1 Ejector primed pump tank truck Inactive 21-Apr-2000
FR-2808013-A1 Cistern for milk has pipe feeding a container in communication with an ejector fed by the compressed air source of the truck, the level sensor in container opening the pipe valve and stopping the ejector when maximum threshold is reached Active 21-Apr-2000
US-5302875-A Electromagnetic motor with two rotation senses particularly intended for a timepiece Inactive 19-Apr-1991 H02K37/14
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Empresa Turística de Autobuses Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

Similarweb Unique Visitors

Majestic Referring Domains

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Empresa Turística de Autobuses Former Investors

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds Contact Info

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Empresa Turística de Autobuses FAQs

  • When was Empresa Turística de Autobuses founded?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses was founded in 1951.

  • Where is Empresa Turística de Autobuses headquartered?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses is headquartered in Madrid, Spain.

  • What is the size of Empresa Turística de Autobuses?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses has 242 total employees.

  • What industry is Empresa Turística de Autobuses in?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses’s primary industry is Road.

  • Is Empresa Turística de Autobuses a private or public company?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses is a Private company.

  • What is the current valuation of Empresa Turística de Autobuses?

    The current valuation of Empresa Turística de Autobuses is .

  • What is Empresa Turística de Autobuses’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Empresa Turística de Autobuses is .

  • Who are Empresa Turística de Autobuses’s investors?

    Grupo Biduedo has invested in Empresa Turística de Autobuses.

  • When was Empresa Turística de Autobuses acquired?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses was acquired on 20-Jul-2011.

  • Who acquired Empresa Turística de Autobuses?

    Empresa Turística de Autobuses was acquired by Avanza Group.

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