Wenalyze Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2016

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Private

  • Employees
  • 17


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Later Stage VC

  • Latest Deal Amount
  • $1.07M

  • Investors
  • 11

Wenalyze General Information


Developer of an open data analysis tool designed to improve risk management in the financial and insurance sectors. The company's tool analyses clients and draws personal profiles based on working, leisure, and financial risks as well as living, hobbies, likes, and personality traits, enabling banks and insurance companies to offer personalized products for customers, improve cross-selling processes, and reduce fraud.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Privately Held (backing)
Financing Status
Venture Capital-Backed
Corporate Office
  • Álvaro de Bazán 10 (GoHub)
  • 46010 Valencia
  • Spain
+34 963
Primary Industry
Business/Productivity Software
Other Industries
Financial Software
Media and Information Services (B2B)
Big Data, SaaS, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, InsurTech, FinTech
Corporate Office
  • Álvaro de Bazán 10 (GoHub)
  • 46010 Valencia
  • Spain
+34 963

Wenalyze Timeline

Financing RoundCaptured Employee CountEstimated Employee Growth

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Wenalyze Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
7. Later Stage VC 16-May-2024 $1.07M Completed Generating Revenue
6. Later Stage VC 24-Mar-2022 Completed Generating Revenue
5. Accelerator/Incubator 09-Mar-2021 Completed Generating Revenue
4. Accelerator/Incubator 25-Feb-2021 Completed Generating Revenue
3. Accelerator/Incubator 03-Oct-2018 Completed Generating Revenue
2. Accelerator/Incubator 19-Jan-2017 $16.2K Completed Generating Revenue
1. Accelerator/Incubator 28-Nov-2016 $16.2K $16.2K Completed Generating Revenue
To view Wenalyze’s complete valuation and funding history, request access »

Wenalyze Executive Team (5)

Name Title Board Seat
Carlos Albo Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
David Delgado Co-Founder, Chief Financial Officer & Account Auditor
Roger Ferrandis Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer
Vicent Sebastià Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Rebeca Jiménez Chief Data Officer
To view Wenalyze’s complete executive team members history, request access »

Wenalyze Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

Similarweb Unique Visitors

Majestic Referring Domains

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Wenalyze Investors (11)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Íope Ventures Venture Capital Minority
Astorya.vc Venture Capital Minority
Athos Capital Venture Capital Minority
Bankinter Corporation Minority
Fundacion Innovacion Bankinter Venture Capital Minority
You’re viewing 5 of 11 investors. Get the full list »

Wenalyze FAQs

  • When was Wenalyze founded?

    Wenalyze was founded in 2016.

  • Who is the founder of Wenalyze?

    Carlos Albo, David Delgado, Roger Ferrandis, and Vicent Sebastià are the founders of Wenalyze.

  • Who is the CEO of Wenalyze?

    Carlos Albo is the CEO of Wenalyze.

  • Where is Wenalyze headquartered?

    Wenalyze is headquartered in Valencia, Spain.

  • What is the size of Wenalyze?

    Wenalyze has 17 total employees.

  • What industry is Wenalyze in?

    Wenalyze’s primary industry is Business/Productivity Software.

  • Is Wenalyze a private or public company?

    Wenalyze is a Private company.

  • What is Wenalyze’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Wenalyze is .

  • How much funding has Wenalyze raised over time?

    Wenalyze has raised $3.15M.

  • Who are Wenalyze’s investors?

    Íope Ventures, Astorya.vc, Athos Capital, Bankinter, and Fundacion Innovacion Bankinter are 5 of 11 investors who have invested in Wenalyze.

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