Bitauto Holdings Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 2000

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Private

  • Employees
  • 6,837


  • Latest Deal Type
  • Buyout/​LBO

  • Latest Deal Amount
  • $179M

  • Investors
  • 2

Bitauto Holdings General Information


Bitauto Holdings Ltd is a provider of internet content and marketing services. It operates in three main segments: advertising and subscription business, transaction service business, and digital marketing solutions business. Its advertising business provides services to automakers through its websites and mobile apps. It provide transaction-focused online advertisements and promotional activities services to automakers, automobile dealers, auto finance partners, and insurance companies. Its digital marketing solutions business provides website creation and maintenance, online public relations, online marketing campaigns, advertising agent services, big data applications, and digital image creation. All the group's revenues are derived from the PRC.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Privately Held (backing)
Financing Status
Venture Capital-Backed
Corporate Office
  • 6th Floor, New Century Hotel Office
  • Tower No. 6, South Capital Stadium Road, Haidian District
  • Beijing, 100044
  • China
+86 010
Primary Industry
Media and Information Services (B2B)
AdTech, Industrials, Marketing Tech, TMT, Mobile
Corporate Office
  • 6th Floor, New Century Hotel Office
  • Tower No. 6, South Capital Stadium Road, Haidian District
  • Beijing, 100044
  • China
+86 010

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Bitauto Holdings Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Raised to Date Post-Val Status Stage
11. Buyout/LBO 05-Nov-2020 $179M Completed Profitable
10. Secondary Transaction - Open Market Completed Generating Revenue
9. PIPE 12-May-2017 Completed Profitable
8. PIPE 06-Jun-2016 Completed Profitable
7. PIPE 18-Feb-2015 Completed Profitable
6. PIPE 12-Sep-2014 Completed Profitable
5. IPO 17-Nov-2010 Completed Profitable
4. Later Stage VC (Series D) 20-Jul-2009 Completed Profitable
3. Later Stage VC (Series C) 23-Nov-2007 $15M $25.9M Completed Profitable
2. Later Stage VC 31-Aug-2006 $9.6M $10.9M Completed Profitable
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Bitauto Holdings Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Bitauto Holdings Ltd is a provider of internet content and marketing services. It operates in three main segments: adver
Media and Information Services (B2B)
Beijing, China
6,837 As of 2020

Jacksonville, FL

Clifton Park, NY
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Bitauto Holdings Competitors (16)

One of Bitauto Holdings’s 16 competitors is Vizergy Digital Marketing, a Corporate Backed or Acquired company based in Jacksonville, FL.

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Vizergy Digital Marketing Corporate Backed or Acquired Jacksonville, FL
Internet Marketing Ninjas Private Debt Financed Clifton Park, NY
UnReal Web Marketing Corporate Backed or Acquired Port Jefferson, NY
SEO Brand Private Debt Financed
Digital Current Corporation Mesa, AZ
You’re viewing 5 of 16 competitors. Get the full list »

Bitauto Holdings Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

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Size Multiple

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Bitauto Holdings Investors (2)

Investor Name Investor Type Holding Investor Since Participating Rounds
Hammer Capital Asset Management Venture Capital Minority
Tencent Holdings Corporation Minority
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Bitauto Holdings Investments (25)

Bitauto Holdings’s most recent deal was a Later Stage VC with Jingzhengu for . The deal was made on 04-Jan-2019.

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Jingzhengu 04-Jan-2019 Later Stage VC Business/Productivity Software
Beijing Baichebao Technology 27-Nov-2017 Early Stage VC Automotive
Aidaijia 31-Oct-2017 Later Stage VC Other Services (B2C Non-Financial)
Lobo Report 27-Oct-2017 Early Stage VC Information Services (B2C)
CheYuanHuiZhong 18-Oct-2017 Early Stage VC Business/Productivity Software
You’re viewing 5 of 25 investments. Get the full list »

Bitauto Holdings ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated June, 13, 2021

34.37 | High Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 14,189



Software & Services


of 847



Internet Software and Services


of 210



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Bitauto Holdings FAQs

  • When was Bitauto Holdings founded?

    Bitauto Holdings was founded in 2000.

  • Where is Bitauto Holdings headquartered?

    Bitauto Holdings is headquartered in Beijing, China.

  • What is the size of Bitauto Holdings?

    Bitauto Holdings has 6,837 total employees.

  • What industry is Bitauto Holdings in?

    Bitauto Holdings’s primary industry is Media and Information Services (B2B).

  • Is Bitauto Holdings a private or public company?

    Bitauto Holdings is a Private company.

  • What is the current valuation of Bitauto Holdings?

    The current valuation of Bitauto Holdings is .

  • What is Bitauto Holdings’s current revenue?

    The current revenue for Bitauto Holdings is .

  • How much funding has Bitauto Holdings raised over time?

    Bitauto Holdings has raised $3.43B.

  • Who are Bitauto Holdings’s investors?

    Hammer Capital Asset Management and Tencent Holdings have invested in Bitauto Holdings.

  • Who are Bitauto Holdings’s competitors?

    Vizergy Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Ninjas, UnReal Web Marketing, SEO Brand, and Digital Current are some of the 16 competitors of Bitauto Holdings.

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