Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Overview

  • Year Founded
  • 1995

Year Founded

  • Status
  • Public

  • Employees
  • 2,331


  • Stock Symbol
  • BOUV

Stock Symbol

  • Investments
  • 6

  • Share Price
  • $6.39
  • (As of Monday Closing)

Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) General Information


Bouvet ASA is a consultancy company that provides advice in the field of information technology and digital communication. It helps enterprises shape digital solutions that create efficiency and new business opportunities. The company caters to both private and public-sector players. Some of the business sectors that it caters to include Power supply, Industry, Oil & Gas, Public admin, Transportation, Retail, Information and communication, Service industry, and Health. Its geographical segments are Norway, Sweden, and other countries, of which the vast majority of its revenue comes from Norway.

Contact Information

Ownership Status
Publicly Held
Financing Status
Corporate Office
  • Sørkedalsveien 8
  • 0369 Oslo
  • Norway
+47 23
Primary Industry
IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Other Industries
Other Communications and Networking
Stock Exchange
Corporate Office
  • Sørkedalsveien 8
  • 0369 Oslo
  • Norway
+47 23

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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Stock Performance

(As of Monday Closing)

Stock Price Previous Close 52 wk Range Market Cap Shares Average Volume EPS
$6.39 $6.41 $4.70 - $6.78 $657M 103M 50.5K $0.33

Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Financials Summary

In Thousands,
TTM 30-Jun-2024 FY 2023 31-Dec-2023 FY 2022 31-Dec-2022 FY 2021 31-Dec-2021
EV 593,852 622,346 621,643 867,930
Revenue 352,658 332,858 319,267 312,514
EBITDA 53,650 47,941 49,731 47,425
Net Income 33,849 30,722 32,668 30,789
Total Assets 154,263 168,701 147,428 154,201
Total Debt 30,843 31,549 23,362 23,851
Public Fundamental Data provided by Morningstar, Inc. disclaimer

Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Valuation & Funding

Deal Type Date Amount Valuation/
Post-Val Status Debt

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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Comparisons

HQ Location
Total Raised
Post Valuation
Bouvet ASA is a consultancy company that provides advice in the field of information technology and digital communicatio
IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Oslo, Norway
2,331 As of 2024

Mumbai, India

Greater Noida, India
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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Competitors (10)

Company Name Financing Status Location Employees Total Raised Last Financing Date/Type Last Financing Amount
Tech Mahindra Corporate Backed or Acquired Mumbai, India
Coforge Formerly PE-Backed Greater Noida, India
Accenture Corporation Dublin, Ireland
Devoteam Private Equity-Backed Levallois Perret, France
Tata Consultancy Services Corporation Mumbai, India
You’re viewing 5 of 10 competitors. Get the full list »

Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Executive Team (13)

Name Title Board Seat
Lisbeth Viker Co-Chief Financial Officer
Trude Hole Co-Chief Financial Officer
Simen Sommerfeldt Advisor and Chief Technology Officer
Per Tronsli Managing Director
Knut Dischington Quality Manager and Chief Information Security Officer
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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Board Members (5)

Name Representing Role Since
Self Board Member
Self Board Member
Self Deputy Chairman & Board Member
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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Signals

Growth Rate

Weekly Growth

Size Multiple

Size Multiple

Key Data Points

Similarweb Unique Visitors

Majestic Referring Domains

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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Investments & Acquisitions (6)

Company Name Deal Date Deal Type Deal Size Industry Lead Partner
Headit 02-Oct-2023 IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Olavstoppen 05-Jan-2018 IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Blinc 10-Mar-2014 IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Zekundera 30-Sep-2008 IT Consulting and Outsourcing
Nordic Integrator 27-Jun-2007 Merger/Acquisition IT Consulting and Outsourcing
You’re viewing 5 of 6 investments and acquisitions. Get the full list »

Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) Subsidiaries (4)

Company Name Industry Location Founded
Sesam.Io IT Consulting and Outsourcing Oslo, Norway 2019
Olavstoppen IT Consulting and Outsourcing Stavanger, Norway
Nordic Integrator IT Consulting and Outsourcing Bergen, Norway
Zekundera IT Consulting and Outsourcing Malmo, Sweden
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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) ESG

Risk Overview

Risk Rating

Updated May, 31, 2024

19.03 | Low Risk

Risk Scale

A lower score indicates better sustainability












Exposure refers to the extent to which a company is exposed to different material ESG issues


Management is related to actions taken to manage ESG issues

Peers Analysis

Peer performance insights compare the company’s ESG performance to the performance of selected peers to help inform future ESG decisions and drive internal performance improvements.


Covered Companies

of 16,009



Software & Services


of 1,094



IT Consulting


of 252



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Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) FAQs

  • When was Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) founded?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) was founded in 1995.

  • Where is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) headquartered?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

  • What is the size of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) has 2,331 total employees.

  • What industry is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) in?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s primary industry is IT Consulting and Outsourcing.

  • Is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) a private or public company?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is a Public company.

  • What is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s stock symbol?

    The ticker symbol for Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is BOUV.

  • What is the current stock price of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)?

    As of 07-Oct-2024 the stock price of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is $6.39.

  • What is the current market cap of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)?

    The current market capitalization of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is $657M.

  • What is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s current revenue?

    The trailing twelve month revenue for Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing) is $353M.

  • Who are Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s competitors?

    Tech Mahindra, Coforge, Accenture, Devoteam, and Tata Consultancy Services are some of the 10 competitors of Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing).

  • What is Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s annual earnings per share (EPS)?

    Bouvet (IT Consulting and Outsourcing)’s EPS for 12 months was $0.33.

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